[News] 101106 JYJ, Hawaii Showcase Got Canceled, “Micky Yoochun, Fatigues Accumulation”

Grup JYJ yang terdiri dari anggota Youngwoong Jaejoong, Micky YooChun dan Xiah Junsu memutuskan untuk membatalkan showcase mereka di Hawaii.

Pengumuman ini dirilis oleh wakil JYJ melalui account facebook resmi pada tanggal 6. Sebelumnya JYJ merencanakan untuk konser di Hawaii pada tanggal 10. Mengenai berita, official JYJ melalui wawancara telepon dengan Star News mengklarifikasi, "pembatalan dilakukan karena beberapa masalah dengan visa dan kelelahan Micky Yoochun". Saat ia menjelaskan.

Visa US untuk anggota untuk mengadakan konser mereka tidak tercapai. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi pembatalan konser di Hawaii yaitu kesehatan Micky Yoochun karena kelelahan kumulatif yang ia derita.

Sambil showcase di Cina, Micky YooChun masih menggunakan waktu luangnya yang tersisa untuk shooting drama KBS 2TV, 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' sehinnga sangat kelelahan, menyebabkan dia kesehatannya sedikit terganggu. Official JYJ menyatakan, "Setelah melakukan showcase di Shanghai, ia berencana untuk mengambil beberapa saat untuk beristirahat".

2 hari yang lalu ketika Micky YooChun berhalangan hadir pada pesta penutupan 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' sudah menarik banyak perhatian. Pada saat itu, pembahasan tentang partisipasi Micky Yoochun pada pertemuan showcase JYJ di luar negeri dan pembatalan showcase di Hawaii telah terjadi.

Setelah Micky YooChun mengambil beberapa saat untuk menstabilkan kondisinya, JYJ akan melanjutkan showcase lainnya seperti di New York pada tanggal 12, Las Vegas pada tanggal 14, dan LA pada tanggal 19 sesuai jadwal.

klik the title !!

[eng trans]

Group JYJ consists of members Youngwoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun, and Xiah Junsu decided to canceled their Hawaii showcase.

This announcement was released by JYJ representative through the official facebook account on the 6th. Previously JYJ was planned to come for concert in Hawaii on the 10th. Regarding the news, JYJ official made a phone call with Star News clarified, “The cancellation has to do with some visa problems and Micky Yoochun’s fatigues.” as he explained.

The US visa application for the members to hold their concert did not accomplished. Another factor that affected Hawaii concert cancellation is also Micky Yoochun’s health problems due to cumulative fatigues he suffered.

While holding China showcases, Micky Yoochun still used his left spare time to shoot for KBS 2TV drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’, as his fatigues got accumulated, it caused him some health problems. JYJ official stated, “After successfully conducted Shanghai showcase, he planned to take some moment to rest.”

On past 2 days when Micky Yoochun was unable to attend ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ closing celebratory party was already attracted a lot of attention. At that time, the discussion about Micky Yoochun’s participation on the group overseas showcase meeting and Hawaii showcase cancellation had been taken place.

After Micky Yoochun takes some moment to stabilize his condition, JYJ will proceed other showcases such as in New York on the 12th, Las Vegas on the 14th, and LA on the 19th as scheduled.

cr: sharingyoochun.net

oppa Yoochun, kumhon, jaga kesehatan oppa ya

buad cassie hawaii, be patient guys, JYJ not there?
wait, DBSK will be there as 5

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