Saat ini, cukup sulit untuk menemukan sebuah drama tanpa bintang idola di dalamnya. Jadi istilah baru yang diciptakan: 'actingdol'. Tentu saja, idola- idola ini adalah cara yang baik untuk membawa peringkat yang layak. Namun, para idola ini juga erat diteliti dan dikritik karena kurangnya kemampuan akting.
Sports Seoul telah mengumpulkan 3 Content Produsen dari saluran siaran utama di samping perwakilan berbagai industri film untuk menentukan 'actingdol' yang terbaik, menurut kemampuan akting, tingkat pertumbuhan potensial, dan peringkat drama. Laki-laki yang keluar di atas adalah Lee Seung Gi dan Micky YooChun. Dari perempuan, Nam Gyuri melakukan yang terbaik.
Lee Seung Gi dan Micky YooChun - Kemampuan Berakting. hit Box-Office. Berada di tempat 1 dan 2 .
Melalui SBS 'My Girlfriend is a Gumiho', Lee Seung Gi berada di tempat teratas dan mendapat peringkat tertinggi untuk kemampuan akting (4.2/5). debut drama Yoochun adalah KBS2 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal', di mana ia berhasil mendapat rating '4' untuk percobaan pertama di akting. Juga, SBS 'You’re Beautiful' Lee Hongki (FT Island) menerima rating 3,4, sementara SBS '‘Oh My Lady' Choi Siwon (Super Junior) memperoleh rating 3,2. Nam Gyuri mendapat rating 3,4 untuk perannya di SBS 'Life is Beautiful'.
Moon Bohyun CP KBS, menyatakan, "Aku suka Micky YooChun karena dia bukan flower boy biasa. Meskipun ia tidak memiliki pengalaman dalam berakting, kita masih bisa melihat karisma sebagai seorang aktor".
klik the title!!
[eng trans]
Nowadays, it’s quite difficult to find a drama without an idol star in it. Thus a new term was coined: ‘actingdol’. Of course, idol stars are a good way to bring in decent ratings. However, these idols also are closely scrutinized and criticized for their lack of acting ability.
Sports Seoul gathered 3 Content Producers from the major broadcast channels in addition to various film industry representatives to determine which ‘actingdols’ were the best, according to acting ability, potential growth, and drama ratings. The males who came out on top were Lee Seung Gi and Micky Yoochun. Out of the females, Nam Gyuri did the best.
Lee Seung Gi and Micky Yoochun – Acting Ability. Box-Office hit. 1st and 2nd Place.
Through SBS ‘My Girlfriend is a Gumiho‘, Lee Seung Gi came out on top and got the highest rating for acting ability (4.2/5) . Yoochun’s debut drama was KBS2 ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal’, where he managed a rating of ‘4′ for his first attempt at acting. Also, SBS ‘You’re Beautiful‘’s Lee Hongki (FT Island) received a rating of 3.4 while SBS ‘Oh My Lady‘’s Choi Siwon (Super Junior) received a 3.2 rating. Nam Gyuri was rated 3.4 for her role in SBS ‘Life is Beautiful’.
KBS CP Moon Bohyun, stated, “I like Micky Yoochun because he’s not a regular flower boy. Although he lacks in acting experience, one can still see his charisma as an actor.”
cr: allkop
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