[TRANS] 120324 TVXQ Visits Hong Kong, 200 Fans Crowd The Airport

Bintang Hallyu, TVXQ mengunjungi Hong Kong.
Ketika TVXQ, yang sedang berkunjung ke Hong Kong untuk berpartisipasi dalam "2012 Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival" pada tanggal 23 Maret, tiba di Hong Kong, mereka bertemu dengan para fans yang telah menyerbu bandara untuk melihat mereka. Tidaklah mudah untuk melihat TVXQ di Hong Kong karena mereka melakukan kegiatan mereka teruatam di Korea dan Jepang.

Menurut laporan media lokal Cina pada tanggal 24 Maret, TVXQ tiba sedikit lebih awal dari waktu yang diharapkan, tapi sudah ada sekitar 200 fans dan wartawan yang telah menunggu di sana. TVXQ menuju tempat parkir melalui jalan khusus, di bawah pengawalan sekitar 10 pengawal.

Meskipun TVXQ hanya muncul di depan fans selama sekitar 3 detik, para fans juga menyambut mereka dengan sorak-sorai penuh semangat.
Setelah itu, TVXQ menghadiri konferensi pers di sebuah hotel di Hong Kong. Pada hari ini, ketika TVXQ ditanya apakah mereka punya rencana untuk mengadakan konser di Hong Kong atau Macau, mereka menjawab bahwa tidak ada rencana yang pasti.

[eng trans]

Hallyu stars TVXQ visited Hong Kong.
When TVXQ, who was visiting Hong Kong to participate in the “2012 Hong Kong Asian Pop Music Festival” on 23 March, arrived in Hong Kong, they met with the fans who had swarmed the airport to see them. It is not easy to see TVXQ in Hong Kong since they mainly have activities in Korea and Japan.

According to Chinese local media reports on 24 March, TVXQ arrived slightly earlier than the expected time, but there were already around 200 fans and reporters who had been there in wait. TVXQ headed for the carpark via a special passageway, under the escort of around 10 bodyguards.
Even though TVXQ only appeared in front of the fans for about 3 seconds, the fans also welcomed them with passionate cheers.

Following that, TVXQ attended the press conference at a hotel in Hong Kong. On this day, when TVXQ was asked if they had plans to hold concerts in Hong Kong or Macau, they replied that there were no concrete plans as of yet.

cr: dongbangdata.net

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