[TRANS] 120324 TVXQ, Number 1 Popularity Asian Pop Music Festival, Even Leo Ku Gives Praise

Pada tanggal 23 Maret 2012, Festival Musik (Pop) Asia digelar di Hong Kong Convention Center, dan artis populer dari berbagai negara Asia bersaing untuk mimpi mereka.
Diberi kesempatan untuk melihat perwakilan artis dari 7 negara dan wilayah di Asia, banyak penggemar yang berkumpul di sekitar tempat tersebut jauh lebih awal. Seperti yang diharapkan, Hong Kong Convention Center juga dipenuhi oelh penggemar. Festival musik ini dibagi menjadi dua segmen, yang pertama dengan penampilan bintang tamu, dan berikutnya adalah kontes antara artis baru.

(bagian yang tidak relevan dihilangkan)

Artis yang paling populer di hari ini adalah TVXQ, yang juga duta besar khusus untuk festival. Duo ini menerima sorakan paling besar ketika mereka berdiri di atas panggung, membuktikan fanbase yang besar. Setelah penampilan mereka, Yunho dan Changmin memberi salam dalam bahasa Cina, mendebarkan kerumunan. Leo Ku juga memuji TVXQ, "Penampilan TVXQ sangat baik! Mereka sudah sempurna pada saat latihan". Selain itu, dia juga menunjukkan pujiannya bagi mereka ketika ia berkata, "Mereka juga sangat sopan kepada para staf, dan sepenuhnya menunduk dan berkata 'Xie Xie' (T/N: Terima kasih ). Artis- artis harus berusaha untuk seperti ini".

[eng trans[

On 23 March 2012, the Asian (Pop) Music Festival was held at the Hong Kong Convention Center, and popular artists from various Asian countries competed for their dreams.
Given the opportunity to see representative artists from 7 countries and regions in Aisa, many fans gathered around the venue since much earlier on. As expected, it was also a full-house inside the venue. The music festival was split into two segment, the first with guest star performances, and the next was a contest among new artists.

(irrelevant portions omitted)

The most popular artist on this day was TVXQ, who was also the special ambassador for the festival. The duo received the most cheers when they stood on stage, proving their large fanbase. After the performance, Yunho and Changmin gave their greetings in Chinese, thrilling the crowd. Leo Ku also praised TVXQ, “TVXQ’s performance was excellent! They were already perfect during the rehearsal.” In addition, he also showed his high regard for them when he said, “They are also very polite to the staff, and bow fully and say “Xie Xie” (T/N: Thank you). Artists should seek to emulate this.”

cr: dongbangdata.net

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