[News] 110606 Yunho’s busy schedule affects his performance on “Kiss & Cry”

Setelah menjadi pemenang pada episode pilot "Kiss & Cry", TVXQ Yunho tampaknya harus berjuang untuk mempertahankan gelarnya karena jadwalnya yang hebat.

Episode 5 Juni berfokus pada persiapan bintang untuk pertunjukan mereka. Selama periode latihan, Yunho terus meminta maaf kepada pasangannya, Claudia Mueller. Karena tur dunia TVXQ yang mendatang dan promosi Jepang, keduanya hanya memiliki dua hari untuk berlatih.

Bahkan dengan dua hari itu, Yunho hanya bisa berlatih di pagi hari, yang sulit bagi Mueller, yang juga seorang siswa SMP. Dia berkomentar, "Kami akan berlatih dari tengah malam sampai pukul dua atau tiga dini hari, sehingga sangat melelahkan"

Kurangnya persiapan, menunjukkan cara langkah-langkah mereka akan kusut. Yunho jatuh sambil menahan Mueller dan terus menurun selama semua berputar dan spiral yang diperlukan untuk kinerja mereka. Daripada mengekspresikan frustrasi, bagaimanapun, Yunho tampak lebih apologetik terhadap Mueller dan memiliki waktu yang sulit mengangkat kepalanya di depannya.

Juri Kim Yuna berkomentar, "Dalam ice dancing, orang itu harus melemparkan dirinya di lantai jika ia harus dalam rangka melindungi wanita dari jatuh. Lebih sulit bagi pasangan dari single ketika tidak ada latihan yang cukup. Ini tidak benar-benar sesuai dengan harapan saya"

Dalam wawancara berikut, Yunho berkata, "Saya pikir saya merasa terlalu aman karena saya telah menang pada show pembuka kami. Saya sangat menyesal terhadap dongseng saya, Claudia Mueller".

oppp please dont push ur self too hard, please keep healthy oppa, please

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

After coming away with a win on the pilot episode of ”Kiss & Cry“, TVXQ’s Yunho seems to be struggling to keep his title due to his overwhelming schedule.

The show’s June 5th episode focused on the stars’ preparations for their performances. Throughout his training period, Yunho kept apologizing to his partner, Claudia Mueller. Because of TVXQ’s upcoming world tour and Japanese promotions, the two had only two days to train.

Even with the two days, Yunho could only train in the early morning, which was difficult for Mueller, who’s a student in junior high school. She commented, “We’d train from midnight until two or three in the morning, so it was very tiring.”

The lack of preparations showed in the way their steps would tangle. Yunho fell over while holding Mueller up and continued to fall during all of the spins and spirals required for their performance. Instead of expressing frustration, however, Yunho seemed more apologetic towards Mueller and had a difficult time holding up his head in front of her.

Judge Kim Yuna commented, “In ice dancing, the man must throw himself on the floor if he has to in order to protect the woman from a fall. It’s harder for couples than singles when there isn’t enough practice. It didn’t really live up to my expectations.”

In the following interview, Yunho said, “I think I felt too safe because I had won our opening show. I am most apologetic towards my dongseng, Claudia Mueller.”

cr: allkpop

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