[TRANS] 101231 Kim Woo Joo - 'Yunho Was Suffering From Depression'
Kim Woo Joo dari J. Rich, teman dekat U-Know Yunho, mengungkapkan bahwa Yunho telah menderita depresi sebagai akibat dari kontroversi seputar TVXQ.
Kim Woo Joo berkata "Pada waktu itu, saya sangat khawatir dengan cara Yunho yang akan keluar dan minum Soju karena masalah antara dirinya dan anggotanya. Yunho biasanya pergi minum sekali setahun, tapi selama beberapa hari ini, bukan hanya pergi minum soju sebanyak 6 kali, dia juga menderita depresi. Ini benar-benar tidak dapat dipercaya"
Dia mengatakan "Aku senang melihat bahwa ia telah bangkit dan memperoleh kembali kekuatannya". Berkenaan dengan lagu baru duo TVXQ, ia mengatakan "Sekarang saya akhirnya mengerti mengapa mereka adalah TVXQ" .
Lagu comeback TVXQ akan dirilis pada tanggal 3 Januari, menandakan sebuah awal baru untuk kegiatan mereka.
klik the title!!
[eng trans]
J.Rich's Kim Woo Joo, close friend of U-Know Yunho, revealed Yunho had been suffering from depression as a result of the controversy surrounding TVXQ.
Kim Woo Joo said 'At the time, I was extremely worried by the way Yunho would go and drink soju because of the issues between him and his members. Yunho normally goes drinking around once a year, but during those days, not only did he go for soju 6 times a month, he was also suffering from depression. It was truly unbelievable.'
He said 'I'm glad to see that he has picked himself up and regained his strength.' With regard to the TVXQ duo's new song, he remarked 'Now I finally understand why they're TVXQ'.
TVXQ's comeback track will be released on January 3rd, signifying a new beginning to their activities.
cr: DBSKnights
please be strong oppa, pls !!
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