[TRANS] 100406 More Than 10,000 Supporting Messages to Tohoshinki

After the news broke on the 3rd that Korean popular quintet Tohoshinki is going to take an indefinite break, it is reported that more than 10,000 supporting messages have been sent to their official fanclub and other places.

According to their company avex, the messages show the fans’ wish that for the group to be active again and for the fanclub to continue its existence, as well as request to see the direct comments from the members themselves. President Matsuura Masato (45) commented on his Twitter, “This time, regarding the suspension of activities, we have received many requests from Tohohoshinki’s fans, and we are doing our best with all our minds, so please be patient and wait for a little while!” On the other hand, on “Rekochoku,” an online music distribution website, Tohoshinki’s daily ranking suddenly rose. The full ringtone of their new song “Toki wo Tomete” has climbed up to 38th rank from outside range. Its video clip also went from 7th to 3rd place, and their incoming call animation also went from 2nd to 1st place.

[kLik juduLnya]

Indo Trans:

Setelah berita itu pecah pada 3 Tohoshinki yang populer kwintet Korea akan mengambil istirahat yang tidak terbatas, dilaporkan bahwa lebih dari 10.000 pesan dukungan telah dikirim ke fanclub resmi mereka dan tempat-tempat lain.

Menurut avex perusahaan mereka, pesan menunjukkan keinginan fans 'bahwa untuk grup yang akan aktif kembali dan untuk fanclub untuk melanjutkan keberadaannya, serta permintaan untuk melihat komentar langsung dari para anggota itu sendiri. Presidenmasato Matsuura (45) Komentar tentang nya kegugupan, "Kali ini, mengenai penghentian kegiatan sementara , kami telah menerima banyak permintaan dari penggemar Tohohoshinki, dan kami melakukan yang terbaik dengan semua pikiran kita, jadi harap bersabar dan menunggu sedikit sementara "Di sisi lain!, pada" Rekochoku, "sebuah website musik online distribusi, peringkat harian Tohoshinki tiba-tiba naik. Ringtone penuh lagu baru mereka "Toki wo Tomete" telah naik ke peringkat 38 dari jarak luar. video klip nya juga naiki dari 7 ke 3 peringkat, dan animasi panggilan masuk mereka juga pergi naik 2 ke 1 peringkat.

cr: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }


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