reported on the 15th, that music company Oricon surveyed over 20,000 retailers and online shopping malls throughout Japan to find out their sales performance and the results were that last year (29/12/2008~27/12/2009) DBSK earned 68,000,000,000 yen (833,000,000 won). This is a large jump from their unplaced rankings in 2008. Since these figures don’t include concerts and TV appearances it can be estimated that DBSK’s total Japanese earnings was nearly 1,000,000,000,000 won.
Even with the news starting from June that they are going to break up, Tohoshinki’s popularity is increasing. Their Japanese entertainment company AVEX has reported that their fanclub has nearly 180,000 members and is the largest in the company.
DBSK’s fanbase in Japan is different to other Hallyu stars such as Bae Yong Jun which is mainly comprised of females in their 40’s and above. Their fanbase is people in their 20’s and 30’s as well as those traditionally Hallyu fans and it is this diverse range which is a feature of theirs. The reason why they were able to capture the hearts of so many fans compared with other Hallyu stars is that they were given the great opportunity to go on the popular show on NHK, Kouhaku that has ratings above 40%. On the last Kouhaku which was aired on New Year’s Eve, they received more applause then anyone else for their second appearance in a row.
The Japanese-Korean relations expert at the Tokyo University, Kimiya Tadashi’s wife who is in her mid 40’s had a telephone interview with on the 15th and said “3 years ago, through my daughter I first learnt of DBSK and seeing them on Kouhaku 2 years ago, I started falling in love with them”. Their charming point was ‘they were different from the other Japanese idol groups which only focused on looks and dance; they showed dedication, not only in their music, and their personalities.’ What’s more their courteous images were viewed positively. She cares about them as if they were her own children. “Normally I would have tried to stop my daughter who is in her 3rd year of middle school if she liked a different group, but as she likes DBSK I tell her ‘Work as hard as they do.’”
She owns all their Japanese and Korean releases and went to Korea last June to go to their concert. She was delighted to say “DBSK getting their release in 3rd place [on the music charts] is the fruit of their endeavours, its evidence that their music and personalities transcends borders.”
Their music naturally spread the Hallyu wave and their position in promoting Korea cannot be ignored. Kimiya says “Through DBSK I discovered other Korean artists, at the moment I like Shin Seung Hoon, Big Bang and Girls Generation.” And also “I know many people who say that they want to learn Korean because they like DBSK”. In saying that she adds “DBSK is not only Korea’s, but Asia’s treasure.”
However 3 of the members said that their contract with their Korean entertainment company SM was unfair and tried to have their contract dismissed last August. News of them disbanding was never ending and so their Korean and Japanese fans found it difficult to hide their sadness. Kimiya was worried and said “Their appearance on Kouhaku compared with other performances was lacklustre.” Earlier in November, Kimiya emailed the Korean press asking them to show a greater interest in their case and criticized the actions of their company.
“The problem is that the xissue with the entertainment industry’s old way of thinking and the working conditions that has affected DBSK are viewed as a problem only for the youth or fans not as something that has wide social significance.The company has not taken the responsibility of explaining to the Asian fans.We are being neglected.”
Even the Japanese press is giving much attention to the dispute between DBSK and their entertainment company. had the lawsuit and the fan’s reactions as it’s evening headline. Right-wing magazine recently had an article sarcastically titled ‘DBSK cancel fanmeeting, threat of breakup looms’.
// Dialporkan pada tanggal 15 Januari, bahwa perusahaan music Oricon mensurvey lebih dari 20.000 toko dan toko music online di seluruh Jepang untuk mendapatkan bagaimana hasil penjualan mereka untuk akhir tahun (29Dec2008-27Dec2009). DBSK mendapatkan yen ( IDR Ini merupakan peningkatan tertinggi dari pendapatan mereka (yang tidak masuk daftar ranking oricon) tahun 2008. Karena pendapatan ini tidak termasuk pendapatan Konser dan Acara TV, maka pendapatan total DBSK bisa mencapat won ( IDR
// Meskipun dengan isu akan bubar pada Juni 2009, kepopuleran tohoshinki terus saja meningkat. Menurut Avex, jumlah member fansclub mereka mencapai 180.000 dan merupakan yang terbesar di Avex (beneran lbh gede dari EXILE and Ayu ???? wahhhhh ^^)
// Fan DBSK berbeda dengan fans dari Hallyu lain semisal Bae Yong Jun yang memilki fans hanya fans berumur di atas 40 tahun. Fanbase DBSK adlah orang2 berusia 20-30 tahun, dan sama banyaknya dengan fans yang biasa dimiliki oleh Hallyu Stars (dalam konteks ini Bae Yong jun – 40th keatas) dan mencakup dari banyak range. Yang menyebabkan mereka mampu menarik banyak ‘hati’ adalah kemampuan mereka untuk dapat tampil di Kouhaku, suatu acara Music yang memiliki rating hingga 40% dan, penampilan mereka di Kouhaku terakhir yang diadalan saat malam tahun baru mendapat sambutan yang sanagt meriah dari penonton, lebih dari performer yang lain.
// Ahli perhubungan Korea-Jepang di Todai-Univ.Tokyo, Istri dari Kimiya Tadashi yang berumur 40tahunan melalui interview telephon pada tanggal 5 menyatakan “3tahun lalu, lewat anak cewe saya, saya mengenal DBSK dan menonton mereka di Kouhaku 2 tahun lalu, dan aku mulai menyukai mereka”. Yang mejadi poin utama mereka adalah ‘mereka berbeda dengan bou band Jepang lain yang hanya berfocus pada wajah dan tarian, mereka menunjukkan dedikasi mereka, selain juga menunjukka musik dan personalitas mereka’. Kesopannan mereka mendapat pandangan baik. Ia (Istri Kimiya) memperhatikan Tohoshinki sama seperti anaknya sendiri. ‘Biasanya aku akan melarang putriku yang masih 3 SMA bila mereka menyukaigroup music lain, namun bila mereka suka Tohoshinki, aku justru akan berkata “bekerja keraslah seperti yang mereka lakukan” ‘.
// Ia (Istri Kimiya) punya semua album-single DBSK baik Korea maupun Jepang, dan pergi pada akhir Juni untuk menonton konser mereka. Ia dengan bangga berkata “ DBSK mendapatkan rank ke3 [di Oricon music] dan itu adalah hasil kerja keras mereka, itu menunjukkan bahwa music dan personalitas mereka meningkat.”
// Music mereka menimbulkan gelombang Korea dan posisi mereka dalam mempromosikan Korea tidak dapat di biarkan begiru sajal. Kimiya berkata, “Melalui DBSK, saya melihat beberapa artis Korea lain, saya melihat Shin Seung Hoon, Big Bang dan SNSD” dan juga banyak orang mulai belajar bahasa Korea karene mereka suka DBSK”, ia juga berkaya bahwa DBSK tidak hanya harta bagi Korea, namun juga Harta Asia.
// Namun ketiga member menyatakan bahwa kontark dengan SM Ent tidak adil dan mencoba merubah kontrak mereka pada Agustus kemarin. Berita mereka akan bubar tak pernah selesai, sehingga fans Jepang dan Korea jadi sedih karenanya. Kimiya khawatir dan berkata, “penampilan mereka di Kouhaku kemarin terlihat tidak bersemangat dibandingkan dengan penampilan mereka di Kouhaku sebelumnya”. Pada awal November 2009, Kimiya meminta media Korea untuk mendukung mereka dan mengkritik tindakan perusahaan mereka (DBSK).
// “ Masalah utamanya adalah, issue mengenai perselisihan dengan perusahaannya hanya menjadi permasalahan serius di kalangan anak muda atau fans mereka, dan bukan menjadi permasalahan yang meluas di sistem sosial masyarakat (Intinya, hanya fans yang menganggap “masalah DBSK” ini sebagai MASALAH, sedang pihak lain – Masyarakat luas- tidak). Perusahaan tidak bertanggung jawab dengan memberikan penjelasan pada fans. Kami(fans) menjadi terabaikan.
// Bahkan media Jepang memberikan perhatian penuh pada masalah DBSK dengan Perusahaannya ini. Reaksi fans yan besar yang menjadi headline tiap malam. Dan bahkan Right-Wing magz mengeluarkan suatu artikel sarkastis yang bunyinya ‘DBSK membatalkan fanmeeting, ancaman bubar mulai terlihat’.
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