[Trans] 120330 TVXQ's JYJ - Twitter Updates!

Ahn Sang Tae (@ahnsangtae): Met you during filming, I am your fan! Though it’s tiring and has been hard, fighting! (T/N: Ahn Sang Tae is the comical policeman in Rooftop Prince)

Yoochun: @ahnsangtae Ke Thank you. It has been very enjoyable working with hyunh

Young Pil (@youngfeel): @JUNO_JAPAN Please be quiet Junho sshi~~ I have been acknowledged these days~ On the sports field~~ ^^

Junsu: @youngfeel Hmm… the so-called acknowledgement…

Kikwang (@B2stGK): Have been feeling~great since morning ^-^ The long awaited selca!! Will have a safe trip. Thank you everybdy ~.~! SMILE~~~ BIUNG!!

Junsu: @B2stGK Bon Voyage~~~~~ ^^

Junho (@JUNO_JAPAN): Please make this clear~ The fact that everyone acknowledges Youngpil hyung’s football skills, is this real? Mr. Captain????? RT @1215thexiahtic @youngfeel Hmm… the so-called proof…

Junsu: @JUNO_JAPAN Hope that he can fulfil his goalkeeper’s duties well… (He) has been having greeds for the games TT Is this a hunch for becoming 10 players…..?????? ke

Junho: @1215thxiahtic Keke Quoting Mr. Captain’s words..!! Concluding Mr. Young Pil’s words of “Everyone acknowledged my football skills”.

Junsu: @JUNO_JAPAN Kekeke But he indeed improves slightly from before~~ ^^

Junsu: Hello! (T/N: In a cute way)

cr: YooSu'twitter
trans: rachui@sharingyoochun

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