[TRANS] 120217 U-Know Yunho Shouted At The Fans, But It Was Actually “For The Safety Of The Fans”

Sebuah video yang diambil oleh penggemar TVXQ di bandara di Thailand telah menjadi topik diskusi.

Sebuah video dan foto dengan judul "U-Know Yunho Meneriaki Fans" baru-baru ini diupload ke komunitas online. Ini termasuk foto dari TVXQ, yang telah mengunjungi Thailand untuk syuting iklan, di bandara mempersiapkan untuk kembali ke Korea setelah jadwal mereka telah berakhir.

Meski sempat diperketat karena memang sudah mendekati waktu untuk TVXQ untuk naik pesawat, penggemar yang bergegas membentuk kerumunan yang tidak memungkinkan mereka untuk bergerak. Dalam keadaan seperti itu, bahkan ketika personil keamanan tidak dapat mengelola situasi, U-Know Yunho berdiri di depan.

Uknow Yunho melepaskan kacamata, dan mengeluarkan suaranya pada penggemar mengatakan, "Permisi". Meskipun ia tampak seperti sedang marah, ini sebenarnya cara terbaik untuk menjamin keamanan para penggemar, serta memungkinkan mereka untuk naik ke pesawat pada waktunya.

Secara khusus, itu juga mengatakan bahwa setelah itu, bahkan dalam keadaan kacau seperti itu, U-Know Yunho membantu seorang penggemar yang telah jatuh, dan memastikan keselamatan para penggemar.

Setelah melihat video, netizens menyatakan, "Mengatakan 'permisi' sambil terlihat marah, keduanya lucu namun karismatik" dan "Membantu penggemar bahkan dalam situasi seperti itu, ia benar-benar karismatik", diantara tanggapan lain.

Sementara itu, TVXQ akan merilis single terbaru mereka di Jepang "Still" pada tanggal 14 Maret.

[eng trans]

A video taken by a fan of TVXQ at the airport in Thailand has become a topic of discussion.

A video and photos with the title “U-Know Yunho Shouted At Fans” were recently uploaded onto an online community. These included photos of TVXQ, who had visited Thailand for a commercial shoot, at the airport preparing to return to Korea after their schedules had ended.

Although time was tight as it was already nearing the time for TVXQ to board the plane, the hoards of fans that rushed over formed a crowd that made it impossible for them to move. Under such circumstances, when even the security personnel were unable to manage the situation, U-Know Yunho stood forward.

Uknow Yunho removed his sunglasses, and raised his voice at the fans saying, “Excuse me”. Although he seemed like he was angry, this was in fact the best way to ensure the safety of the fans, as well as to allow them to board the plane in time.

In particular, it was also said that following that, even under such chaotic circumstances, U-Know Yunho helped fans who had fallen up, and ensured the safety of the fans.

Upon seeing the video, netizens expressed, “Saying “Excuse Me” while looking angry, it is both funny yet charismatic” and “Helping fans up even in that situation, he is really charismatic”, among other responses.

Meanwhile, TVXQ will be releasing their new Japanese single “Still” on 14 March.

cr: dongbangdata.net

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥LOVE HIM♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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