[Trans] 120214 Yunho In Cine21 Magazine – Shoot For “Good Downloader Campaign”

"Adegan pertemuan antara aktor / aktris dan musisi tampaknya ceria dan penuh energi." U-Know Yunho, yang sangat ceria selama syuting CF, memainkan orang yang sangat peduli dengan detail-detail kecil, tapi terus syuting tanpa keluhan. Ketika ditanya tentang apa yang dia pikirkan, dia berkata, "Menyesalkan bahwa budaya CD perlahan-lahan berkurang. Saya sangat senang untuk memiliki kekuatan untuk menjadi bagian dari industri budaya sekarang".

(bagian yang tidak relevan dihilangkan)

[eng trans]

“The scene of a meeting between actors/actresses and musicians seems cheerful and full of energy.” U-Know Yunho, who was very cheerful during the CF shoot, played the role of the one who was very concerned with the little details, but kept filming without a single complaint . When asked about what he thought, he said, “It is regretful that the culture of CD’s is slowly diminishing. I’m very happy to have the power to be a part of the cultural industry now.”

(irrelevant portions omitted)

cr: dongbangdata.net

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
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