[Trans] Dal-Shabet Serri, U-Know Yunho’s Fan “As A Singer, I Respect Him A Lot”

Serri, dari grup Dal-Shabet yang beranggotakan 6 orang, telah secara terbuka mengungkapkan kekagumannya untuk U-Know Yunho.

Dal-Shabet mengadakan wawancara dengan eNews baru-baru ini tentang "Bling Bling" dan mengungkapkan pikiran mereka pada kegiatan mereka dan rencana mereka ke depan. Pada wawancara ini, Serri dengan ceria berkata: "Saya penggemar U-Know Yunho" dan dia tersipu segera setelah itu.

Serri berkata, "Setelah debut kami, saya punya kesempatan untuk berdiri di panggung yang sama dengan U-Know Yunho dan juga bertemu secara pribadi sebelumnya. Selama latihan, dia bekerja sangat keras. Sebagai penyanyi, dia seorang senior yang saya sangat hormati. Dia layak menjadi bintang top".

Kekaguman Serri itu tidak hanya berhenti pada titik ini. Serri melanjutkan dengan mengatakan, "Melihat dengan dekat di U-Know Yunho sunbae, meskipun bakatnya yang besar, ia juga seorang penyanyi yang terus bekerja keras. Tentu saja dia yang terbaik".

Selain Serri, anggota Dal-Shabet juga malu-malu memberitahu kami nama-nama selebriti yang berbeda yang mereka suka. Gaeun menyukai Kang Dong Won, sementara Ah-Young adalah penggemar Hallyu star Rain. Maknae Subin mengatakan bahwa dia menyukai kelompok idola seperti TVXQ, MBLAQ, Infinite dll

Dal-Shabet saat ini sedang aktif mempromosikan "Bling Bling". Dal-Shabet menyatakan keinginan mereka untuk menerima penghargaan rookie pada akhir tahun pada event penghargaan. "Kami akan bekerja keras, jadi silakan dukung kami".

klik the title~!!

[eng trans]

Serri, from 6-member group Dal-Shabet, has openly expressed her admiration for U-Know Yunho.

Dal-Shabet held an interview with Enews recently regarding “Bling Bling” and expressed their thoughts on their activities and their plans ahead. At this interview, Serri brightly chirped: “I’m U-Know Yunho’s fan” and she blushed immediately after that.

Serri said, “After our debut, I had a chance to stand on the same stage as U-Know Yunho and also met him personally before. During the rehearsals, he was working very hard. As a singer, he’s a senior that I respect a lot. He’s worthy of being a top star“.

Serri’s admiration did not just stop at this point. Serri went on to say, “Looking closely at U-Know Yunho sunbae, although his talent is great, he’s also a singer who keeps on working hard. Of course he’s the best“.

Other than Serri, the Dal-Shabet members also bashfully told us the names of the different celebrities whom they like. Gaeun likes Kang Dong Won, while Ah-Young is a fan of Hallyu star Rain. Maknae Subin said that she likes idol groups like TVXQ, MBLAQ, Infinite etc.

Dal-Shabet is currently actively promoting “Bling Bling”. Dal-Shabet expressed their desire to receive the rookie award at the year-end awards ceremonies. “We’re going to work hard, so please look after us”.

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