[News] 110902 TVXQ wins ‘Singer’s Award’ at the 38th ‘Korea Broadcasting Awards’

Pada tanggal 2 September, TVXQ dianugerahi 'Singer Award' dalam 'Korea Broadcasting Awards' yang ke-38 yang diadakan di Hall KBS di Yeoido, Seoul.

Sayangnya, karena komitmen mereka dengan "SM Town Live in Tokyo ', mereka tidak mampu ke acara tersebut.

TVXQ telah memimpin tahun yang sibuk sejauh ini, dimulai dengan promosi untuk album comeback mereka, "Keep Your Head Down", selain untuk mempromosikan album repackaged-nya, "Before U Go". Mereka juga telah secara aktif meprpmosikan di Jepang dengan "Superstar", dan sekali lagi menandai status mereka sebagai bintang Hallyu.

Changmin berkomentar, "Saya ingin minta maaf karena tidak bisa menghadiri dan memberikan pidato penghargaan yang tepat " Yunho menambahkan, "Saya sangat senang bahwa kami mampu untuk menerima penghargaan terhormat dan berjanji untuk bekerja keras sebagai penyanyi Korea untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang budaya negara kita di seluruh dunia".

TVXQ akan di Jepang sampai tanggal 4 untuk 'SM Town Live in Tokyo'.

klik the title~!!

[eng trans]

On September 2nd, TVXQ was awarded the ‘Singer’s Award’ at the 38th ‘Korea Broadcasting Awards‘ held at the KBS Hall in Yeoido, Seoul.

Unfortunately, due to their commitments with ‘SM Town Live in Tokyo‘, the duo was unable to make it to the event.

TVXQ has led a busy year thus far, starting with promotions for their comeback album, “Keep Your Head Down“, in addition to promoting for its repackaged album, “Before U Go“. They’ve also promoted actively in Japan with “Superstar“, and once again marked their status as Hallyu stars.

Changmin commented, “I’d like to apologize for not being able to attend and give a proper award’s speech.” Yunho added, “I’m extremely glad that we were able to receive such an honorable award and promise to work hard as Korean singers to raise awareness about our country’s culture all around the world.”

TVXQ will be in Japan until the 4th for ‘SM Town Live in Tokyo’.

cr: allkpop
indo: broken tsubasa

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