TVXQ Choikang Changmin dan U-Know Yunho mengeluarkan panggung brilian pada HUT ke-50 Edisi 16 April MBC '1004 Relay Marathon of Hope' acara perayaan “Share Hope, Care More” yang diselenggarakan di Museum Nasional Korea di malam hari.
maskulinitas para anggota bisa dirasakan oleh khalayak sekali anggota TVXQ muncul di panggung mengenakan kostum angkatan laut biru, dengan tarian spektakuler dan suara mereka saat bernyanyi, mereka telah mencuri seluruh penonton yang antusiasme.
Acara ini dimoderatori oleh MC Oh Sang Jin dan aktris Park Jin-hee, dengan line up artis seperti TVXQ, Kim Jang-hoon, Jong Soo-ra, CN Biru, K. Will, Lee Hyun, Yangpa, 4minute, IU, simon D, Lee Sang-jae, dan banyak lagi.
Sementara itu, '1004 Relay Marathon of Hope' adalah suatu kejadian untuk meningkatkan kesadaran warga Korea tentang orang-orang cacat dan untuk memberikan peluang lebih besar bagi mereka untuk hidup, sekitar 2 juta orang cacat bergabung acara dalam rangka untuk menyampaikan pesan harapan .
klik the title~!!
[eng trans]
TVXQ Choikang Changmin and U-Know Yunho pulled out a brilliant stage performance on April 16th MBC 50th Anniversary Special Edition of ’1004 Relay Marathon of Hope’ celebration event “Share Hope, Care More” held at National Museum of Korea in the evening.
The members’ masculinity could be felt by audiences once the TVXQ members emerged on the stage wearing navy blue costumes, with their spectacular dances and singing voice, they just stole the whole audiences’ enthusiasm.
The event was moderated by MC Oh Sang Jin and actress Park Jin-hee, with line up performers such as TVXQ, Kim Jang-hoon, Jong Soo-ra, CN Blue, K.Will, Lee Hyun, Yangpa, 4Minute, IU, Simon D, Lee Sang-jae, and more.
Meanwhile, ’1004 Relay Marathon of Hope’ is an event to increase awareness of citizens of Korea about those people with disabilities and to provide more opportunity for them for living, about 2 million disabled people joined the event in order to deliver the message of hope.
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