SM Entertainment telah menarik perintah pelarangan penjualan album terhadap album pertama JYJ (YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky YooChun dan Xiah JunSu TVXQ)'The Beginning'.
Pada tanggal 12 bulan ini, SM mengajukan sebuah perintah pelarangan penjualan album terhadap album pertama global JYJ 'The Beginning' serta perintah suspensi kontrak eksklusif terhadap kontrak antara JYJ dan CJeS. Pada tanggal 21, SM Entertainment memutuskan untuk menarik hanya bagian dari perintah tentang larangan penjualan album.
SM mengungkapkan alasan di balik keputusan ini dengan menyatakan, "Kami telah menarik gugatan setelah memutuskan bahwa perintah pelarangan penjualan album tidak praktis krn JYJ sudah merilis album".
sisi dari JYJ juga telah menegaskan hal ini dan menyatakan, "Pengajuan SM Entertainment tentang perintah pelarangan penjualan album terhadap Warner Music Korea, perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab atas penyebaran album JYJ, pada tanggal 12 Oktober, dan mencabut gugatan tersebut pada tanggal 21 melalui Pengadilan Distrik Seoul. Warner Musik Korea menerima dokumen resmi mengenai hal ini pada tanggal 22".
Namun, SM masih akan memulai konfrontasi dengan perintah penangguhan kontrak eksklusif yang ditujukan pada JYJ dan CJeS. SM telah menyatakan bahwa putusan belum dibuat pada gugatan antara SM dan JYJ, kontrak yang ditandatangani antara trio dan CJeS akan dianggap sebagai kontrak-ganda.
klik the title !!
[eng trans]
SM Entertainment has withdrawn its album sales prohibition injunction against JYJ (TVXQ's YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu)'s first album 'The Beginning'.
On the 12th of this month, SM filed for an album sales prohibition injunction against JYJ's first global album 'The Beginning' as well as an exclusive contract suspension injunction against the contract between JYJ and CJeS. On the 21st, SM Entertainment decided to withdraw only the part of the injunction regarding the prohibition on album sales.
SM revealed the reason behind this decision by stating, "We have withdrawn the lawsuit after deciding that an album sales prohibition injunction was impractical as JYJ have already released the album."
JYJ's side has also confirmed this stating, "SM Entertainment filed an album sales prohibition injunction against Warner Music Korea, the company in charge of distributing JYJ's albums, on October 12th, and withdrew the aforementioned lawsuit on the 21st through the Seoul District Courts. Warner Music Korea received an official document regarding this on the 22nd."
However, SM will still initiate a head on confrontation with the exclusive contract suspension injunction directed at JYJ and CJeS. SM has stated that as the verdict has not been made on the lawsuit between SM and JYJ, a contract signed between the trio and CJeS would be considered a dual-contract.
cr: tohosomnia.net
shared + indo trans: Broken Tsubasa
hemmm . . . anyway ~
still wait for ur help guys, pls klik on the "Like"
here ~!
thx b4, and thx after if u do it ^^
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