[Trans] 121106 TVXQ’s Yunho reveals his sister on ‘Strong Heart’

TVXQ Yunho mengungkapkan adiknya di acara 'Strong Heart'.

Yunho membawa foto adiknya Jung Ji Hye ke acara itu, menjelaskan, "[Saudaraku] terkenal di Gwangju karena dia seorang ulzzang. Dia saat ini bekerja di bank. Para tamu laki-laki dari acara itu menunjukkan banyak perhatian karena kecantikannya.

Namun, Yunho mengusir mereka dengan mengatakan, "Ketika teman-temanku akan bertanya bagaimana mereka bersama dengan adikku, aku akan memberitahu mereka, mereka harus melewatiku terlebih dahulu. Sekali, temanku mengatakan dia melihat beberapa gadis yang lucu, tapi ternyata itu adikku".

Ketika ditanya apakah ia akan memperkenalkan adiknya kepada semua orang, ia mengaku, "Aku pikir Yesung cocok. Dia selalu serius, jadi aku pikir mereka akan mampu untuk berbicara satu sama lain dengan baik".

[eng trans]

TVXQ‘s Yunho revealed his younger sister on ‘Strong Heart‘.

Yunho brought a photo of his sister Jung Ji Hye onto the show, explaining, “[My sister is] famous in Gwangju because she’s an ulzzang. She’s currently working at a bank.” The male guests of the show showed a lot of interest in her because of her beauty.

However, Yunho fended them off by saying, “When my friends would ask how they stacked up for my sister, I’d tell them they’d have to get through me first. Once, my friend said he saw some girl that was cute, but it turned out to be my sister.”

When asked if he would introduce her to anyone, he confessed, “I think Yesung would be good. He’s always serious, so I think they’d be able to talk to each other well.“

cr: allkpop

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