[Trans] 121102 C-JeS explains why Jaejoong deleted his Twitter + addresses rumors regarding hospital visit

Dilaporkan bahwa JYJ Jaejoong telah menghapus akun Twitternya. Dengan penggemar yang menyuarakan keprihatinan mereka dan menyebarkan desas-desus palsu, C-Jes Entertainment telah membahas alasan di balik penonaktifan akun Twitter penyanyi itu.
Seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya, tweet terakhir terlihat di Twitter Jaejoong terbaca, "Aku pasti mendapatkan hukuman .." Ternyata kata-kata tidak ditulis oleh Jaejoong, melainkan oleh seorang yang telah meng-hack accountnya.
C-Jes mengatakan kepada TVdaily, "Pagi-pagi, Kim Jaejoong kena flu sehingga dia nge- tweet 'Ah .. Aku mulai dingin .. Kepalaku mulai sakit .. Btw.. Jackal is Coming Aja', dan kemudian pergi tidur "Mereka menjelaskan bahwa account telah hacked setelah itu dan Jaejoong telah memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Twitter akibat insiden tersebut.
Selain hacking, rumor telah beredar bahwa Jaejoong telah dilarikan ke ruang gawat darurat setelah menerima kejutan karena telah di hack. Namun, C-Jes membersihkan rumor saat mereka berkomentar, "Ini tidak benar. Dia memang sakit sedikit dan karena dia harus meninggalkan Korea untuk fanmeetingnya, dia hanya pergi ke rumah sakit untuk memeriksa kondisinya".

"Ketika dia terbangun untuk pergi mengunjungi rumah sakit, ia menyadari Twitternya telah di hack, dan setelah memberitahu kami tentang hacking ini, dia memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Twitter," mereka menjelaskan lebih lanjut.
Sebagai yang penggemar tahu, ini bukan pertama kalinya si penyanyi telah di hack. Dia memperingatkan sebelumnya bahwa jika dia terus di hack dia akan menghapus Twitternya, dan tampaknya dia kini telah melakukan apa yang telah diperingatinya.

[eng trans]

Reported that JYJ‘s Jaejoong‘s Twitter account had been deleted. With fans voicing their concerns and false rumors spreading, C-JeS Entertainment has addressed the reason behind the deactivation of the singer’s Twitter account.

As mentioned previously, the last tweet seen on Jaejoong’s Twitter had read, “I must be getting punished..” It turns out those words had not been written by Jaejoong, but rather by an individual who had hacked his account.

C-JeS told TVdaily, “Early in the morning, Kim Jaejoong had symptoms of a cold so he posted ‘Ah.. I’m getting a cold.. My head is starting to hurt.. Anyways.. Jackal is Coming Aja’, and then went to sleep.”They explained that the account had been hacked afterwards and Jaejoong had decided to leave Twitter due to the incident.

In addition to the hacking, rumors had been afloat that Jaejoong had been rushed to the emergency room after receiving shock due to getting hacked. However, C-JeS put the rumors to rest as they commented, “This is not true. He had a bit of a cold and since he needs to leave the country for a fan meeting, he just went to the hospital to check up on his condition.”
“When he had woken up to go visit the hospital, he realized his Twitter had been hacked, and after informing the agency about the hacking, he decided to leave Twitter,” they further explained.

As fans know, this is not the first time the singer has been hacked. He warned previously that if he was continued to be hacked that he would get rid of his Twitter, and it seems he has now followed through with his warning.

cr: allkpop

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