[News] 121109 'I Miss You' Park Yoo Chun Makes Early Appearance

Park Yoo Chun membuat penampilan awal yang pendek tetapi kuat.

Pada episode dari drama Rabu- Kamis MBC "I Miss You," Park Yoo Chun muncul saat menjelang akhir. Dia memainkan versi dewasa dari Yeo Jin Goo dan orang-orang bertanya-tanya mengapa dia muncul begitu awal.

Episode ini menggambarkan proses Han Jung Woo (Yeo Jin Goo) dan Lee Soo Yeon (Kim So Hyun) menjadi teman dekat. Meskipun dia tahu bahwa dia adalah putri dari seorang pembunuh, dia tetap memutuskan untuk menjadi teman dengannya karena dua dari mereka menemukan diri mereka menjadi yang terbuang di sekolah yang sama.

Di sisi lain, detektif Sung Ho (Jun Kwang Ryul) mengaku kepada ibu Soo Yeon bahwa ayah Soo Yeon bukanlah pembunuh nyata dan ibunya memutuskan untuk tinggal bersama Sung Ho, mengambil Soo yeon dengannya.

Kedua keluarga tampaknya akan berbaur dengan baik untuk sementara waktu dan Jung Woo juga ada di sana. Karena Soo Yeon versi remaja menulis "I Miss You" di dinding, memikirkan Jung Woo, Park Yoo Chun muncul dan berkata, "Aku hanya menunggu hari ini. Hari ini. Aku pikir aku akan jadi gila."

[eng trans]

Park Yoo Chun made a short but strong early appearance.

On the Thursday episode of MBC Weds/Thurs drama "I Miss You," Park Yoo Chun appeared towards the end. He plays the older version of Yeo Jin Goo and people are wondering why he is appearing so early.

The episode depicted the process of Han Jung Woo (Yeo Jin Goo) and Lee Soo Yeon (Kim So Hyun) becoming closer friends. Though he finds out that she is the daughter of a murderer, he still decides to become friends with her as the two of them find themselves becoming outcasts in the same school.

On the other hand, detective Sung Ho (Jun Kwang Ryul) confesses to Soo Yeon's mother that Soo Yeon's father is not the real murderer and her mother decides to live with Sung Ho, taking Soo yeon with her.

The two families seem to be getting along well for a short while and Jung Woo is also there. As young Soo Yeon writes "I Miss You" on the wall, thinking about Jung Woo, Park Yoo Chun appears and says, "I'm just waiting for today. Today. I think I'm going to go crazy."

cr: kpopstarz

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