[News] 121105 Kim Jaejoong Fanmeeting in Jakarta is successful Without his voice!

Personel JYJ Jaejoong sukses menggelar jumpa fans 'Kim Jaejoong 1st Asia Fanmeeting in Jakarta' di Mata Elang International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta Utara, Sabtu (3/11/2012). Sepanjang acara, Jaejoong tak mengucap satu kata pun.

Jaejoong memang sedang dalam kondisi sakit. Sebelum terbang ke Indonesia, ia dilarikan ke Unit Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit. Tenggorokan Jaejoong dinyatakan bermasalah dan ia tak boleh bicara sepatah kata pun.Kim Jaejoong Sukses Gelar Jumpa Fans Tanpa Suara di Jakarta

Sepanjang jumpa fans, Jaejoong menggunakan tablet untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari MC. Pria kelahiran 26 Januari 1986 itu tampak sangat sakit dan lemah. Ia sesekali tersenyum.

Jumpa fans dibuka dengan bincang-bincang seputar film terbaru Jaejoong yang dibintanginya bersama Song Ji Hyo 'Jackal is Coming'. Ditampilkan pula untuk pertama kalinya di seluruh dunia potongan video behind the scene film tersebut. Terlihat Ji Hyo yang bercanda dan memijit bahu Jaejoong di sela-sela syuting. Teriakan histeris fans pun tak terbendung.

"Saya merasa tidak enak karena harus menulis pakai iPad dan tidak bisa bicara. Saya sekarang iri pada MC dan translator karena kalian bisa bicara dan bercanda dengan fans," tulis Jaejoong di tabletnya dibantu translator.

Tetapi justru karena Jaejoong tak bicara, fans pun semakin penasaran. Ia hanya tersenyum sedikitpun teriakan histeris penonton langsung menggema. Mereka berkali-kali meneriakkan "tak apa-apa" dalam bahasa Korea: "gwaenchana!"

Setelah 'Jackal is Coming', potongan-potongan adegan favorit dari dua drama yang dibintangi Jaejoong 'Dr. Jin' dan 'Protect the Boss' pun ditampilkan. Dari cerita 'Dr. Jin' topik mengenai ayah pun disinggung, Jaejoong pun berbagi cerita soal ayahnya.

"Waktu kecil takut sama ayah karena ayahnya terlalu menjaga dan he's kind of strict. Tapi sekarang seperti sahabat," jawab Jaejoong.

Bincang-bincang seharusnya diselingi oleh Jaejoong menyanyi. Tapi karena kondisi kesehatan tak memungkinkan, akhirnya seluruh penonton yang bernyanyi. Soundtrack drama 'Dr. Jin' bertitel 'Living Like A Dream' pun dilantunkan bersama-sama dengan panduan video beserta teksnya di layar raksasa di tengan dan kanan kiri panggung.

Sekitar pukul 21.00 WIB acara jumpa fans pun selesai. Ditutup dengan video project dari fans berisi kumpulan foto-foto dari fans.

Sebagai kompensasi dari ketiadaan suara, Jaejoong akhirnya foto secara grup per 40 orang. Keempat puluh orang itu kemudian bersalaman dengan Jaejoong sebelum meninggalkan panggung. Menurut MC, Jaejoong sendiri yang meminta acara foto dan salaman itu dengan fans.

Tak kurang dari 2 jam, Jaejoong selesai berfoto dan bersalaman dengan sekitar 3 ribu fans yang hadir. Tak sedikit di antara mereka yang menangis usai menyalami Jaejoong. Terima kasih, Jaejoong!

[eng trans]

JYJ's Jaejoong held a successful fan meeting 'Kim Jaejoong 1st Asia Fanmeeting in Jakarta' at Mata Elang International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday (3/11/2012). Throughout the show, Jaejoong did not say a word.

Jaejoong went to the hospital before He flying to Indonesia, he was rushed to the Emergency Unit of the Hospital. Jaejoong stated problem in his throat and he can not speak a word. KIM JAEJOONG FM in Jakarta is successful Without his voice.

During the fan meet, Jaejoong using the tablet to answer questions from MC. He was born in Jan 26, 1986. He looks very ill and weak. He occasionally smiled.

Fan meeting opened with a talk about the latest film starring Jaejoong with Song JiHyo 'Jackal is Coming'. Also shown for the first time in the world behind the scenes video footage film. Looks JiHyo were joking and shoulder massage to Jaejoong between in filming. Hysterical fans were unstoppable.

"I feel bad because they have to write the life of the iPad and can not talk. now I envy MC and translator because you can talk and joke with the fans," Jaejoong wrote on the tablets helped translator.

But precisely because Jaejoong was speaking, fans even more curious. He just smiled at all hysterical audience reverberating. They repeatedly chanted "okay" in Korean: "gwaenchana!"

After the 'Jackal is Coming', pieces of two favorite scenes drama starring Jaejoong 'Dr. Jin 'and' Protect the Boss' was shown. From the story of 'Dr. Jin 'father was the topic discussed, Jaejoong also shared a story about his father.

"As a kid scared of the father because his father was too guard and he's kind of strict. But now as friends," said Jaejoong.

Talks should be punctuated by Jaejoong singing. But due to health conditions is not possible, ultimately the whole audience singing. Soundtrack drama 'Dr. Jin 'titled' Living Like A Dream 'was sung along with your video along with the text on the giant screen in the right mid and left the stage.

Around 21:00 pm a fan meeting event was completed. Closed with a video project contains a collection of fan photos from fans

As compensation for the lack of sound, Jaejoong finally a group photo per 40 people. and they has shook hands with Jaejoong before leaving the stage. According to the MC, Jaejoong who requested the event photos and shake hands with fans by himself.

No less than 2 hours, Jaejoong finished pictures and shook hands with about 3000 fans in attendance. Not least among those who cry after Jaejoong shook. Thank you, Jaejoong!

cR: detik.com+ 9090TheAiiRzYJ

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