[News] 121102 JYJ’s Jaejoong Greeted by Thousand Fans When Arrived In Jakarta

Fans berkerumun di bandara mulai dari Jumat (2/11) siang meski Jaejoong tiba malam dan sempat membuatnya kesulitan meninggalkan bandara Soetta.

WowKeren.com - Hero Jaejoong JYJ akan mengadakan jumpa fans pada Sabtu (3/11) di MESI, Jakarta. Pada Jumat (2/11) ia berangkat dari Bandara Incheon mengenakan pakaian kasual. Malam harinya Jaejoong sudah tiba di Bandara Soekarno Hatta dan disambut oleh lautan fans.

Ratusan fans memadati terminal kedatangan internasional Soetta sejak Jumat siang. Mereka rela datang awal karena dikabarkan bintang "Time Slip Dr.Jin" itu akan mendarat pada pukul 20.50 WIB. Namun menurut beberapa sumber pesawat Jaejoong mendarat pukul 21.03 WIB dan gate kedatangannya dipindah.

Saat Jaejoong keluar, fans langsung mengerumuninya namun petugas keamanan berhasil mengamankan situasi. Jaejoong sendiri terlihat diam dan tidak terlalu bersemangat karena sedang sakit. Meski begitu para fans memuji Jaejoong tetap terlihat tampan.

Seorang sumber mengatakan beberapa fans sempat menghalangi mobil yang ditumpangi Jaejoong hingga kesulitan meninggalkan bandara. Untunglah semua berjalan lancar sehingga Jaejoong berhasil meninggalkan bandara menuju hotel.

Di hari keberangkatannya C-Jes mengungkapkan bahwa Jaejoong sedang terserang flu. Ia sempat pergi ke rumah sakit cek kesehatan mempersiapkan kondisi tubuh untuk bepergian ke luar negeri. Di saat yang bersamaan akun Twitter Jaejoong ditutup karena diserang hacker. (wk/mr)

[eng trans]

Fans swarm in the airport since Friday (2/11) afternoon while Jaejoong arrived on the night and had been having trouble for leaving the Soetta Airport.

WowKeren.com – JYJ’s Hero Jaejoong will hold a fanmeeting on saturday (3/11) in MEIS Jakarta. On friday (2/11) he departed from Incheon Airport wearing casual clothes. At the evening, Jaejoong had arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport and was greeted by a sea of fans.

A hundred fans thronged the International arrivals terminal Soetta since friday afternoon. They are willing to come in early because of rumored that stars of ” Time Slip Dr Jin” will land at 20.50 p.m. But according to some sources Jaejoong plane landed at 21.03 p.m and the arrival gate get moved/ changes.

When Jaejoong come out, fans immediately swarmed but security guards managed to defuse/secure the situation. Jaejoong himself is quiet and does not get excited because he was sick. Even so the fans praised Jaejoong who still look handsome.

A source said that some fans had blocked the cars which carrying Jaejoong till makes him to left the airport. Fortunately all went well so Jaejoong managed to leave the airport to the hotel.

On the day of his departure, CJESrevealed that Jaejoong was down with the flu. He had gone to the hospital to prepare medical check for his condition of the body for travelling abroad. At the same time Jaejoong’s twitter account was closed because of a hacker attack (wk/mr).

cr: JYJ3+ wowkeren

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