[News] 120923 TVXQ succeeded in hypnotizing the crowd at GBK

Personil duo TVXQ alias Dong Bang Shin Ki, Changmin, mengaku udara Indonesia panas. Namun, ia tetap mengapresiasi penonton yang mau datang. Mereka pun berhasil menghipnotis para penonton.

"Walaupun cuacanya panas, tapi banyak orang datang ke sini. Saya sangat berterima kasih," ujarnya dalam bahasa Korea. Ucapan Changmin disambut sorak-sorai penonton.

Rekannya, Yunho juga sempat menyapa penonton di sela SMTown Live World Tour III di Gelora Bung Karno, Sabtu malam (22/9). "Selamat malam, Kami Dong Bang Shin Ki," ujarnya. Ia berharap penonton bisa menikmati konser hingga akhir.

Sapaan basa-basi berakhir ketika Changmin memberi isyarat akan meneruskan pertunjukkan. Bahkan, ia sempat meneriakkan "kalian sudah siap?" dalam bahasa Indonesia. Mereka kemudian menampilkan lagu Mirotic.

TVXQ menjadi salah satu artis yang bernaung di bawah label SM Entertainment Korea. Di pertunjukan yang baru diadakan pertama kali di Indonesia itu, TVXQ juga membawakan lagu Rising Sun yang dipopulerkan saat grup tersebut masih terdiri dari lima personel.

[eng trans]

TVXQ/Dong Bang Shin Ki member, Changmin, admitted that Indonesia’s weather was very hot. Nevertheless, he still appreciated the audience who still wanted to come. The duo even succeeded in hypnotizing the audience.

“Even though it was hot, many people still came here. I’m very thankful.” He said in Korean. Changmin’s words were cheered by the crowd.

His group mate, Yunho also greeted the audience during SMTown Live World Tour III at Gelora Bung Karno on Saturday night (22/9). “Good evening, we’re Dong Bang Shin Ki,” he said. He hoped the crowd could enjoy the concert until the end.

Their talk session ended when Changmin gave a sign to continue the show. He even shouted, “Are you ready?” in Indonesian language. (tr: Kalian sudah siap?). Then they performed Mirotic.

TVXQ was one of the groups under SM Entertainment Korea. In this show first held in Indonesia, TVXQ also performed Rising Sun, popularized when the group still consisted of five members.

cR: ceinder.posterous + metrotvnews

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