[TRANS] 120620 Park Yoochun “I Listen To Kim Junsu’s Solo Album Most Often, I Feel Proud”

Foto dari pemotretan Park YooChun di Bali telah dirilis.

Park YooChun, yang mengambil peran sebagai putra mahkota, Lee Gak, dalam drama SBS "Rooftop Prince", me;akukan pemotretan untuk edisi Juli majalah fashion, "Elle".

Park YooChun banting setir dari akting melalui drama KBS2TV "Sungkyunkwan Scandal", dan secara bertahap membangun karirnya sebagai seorang aktor dengan MBC "Miss Ripley", dan "Rooftop Prince".

Menanggapi pertanyaan, "Apakah Anda merasa tertekan ketika berakting?", Park YooChun menyatakan, "Aku mengambil produksi saat ini dengan pikiran terbuka, dan aku benar-benar dapat menikmati akting sebagai gantinya. Tampaknya aku bisa mencapai hasil yang lebih baik seperti ini".

Juga, ketika ditanya, "Album apa yang Anda dengarkan akhir- akhir ini?", Park YooChun menunjukkan kasih sayangnya (untuk JunSu) ketika ia menjawab, "Aku sering mendengarkan album solo Junsu. Sebagai anggota, aku bangga padanya".

Berkenaan dengan kegiatan individu anggota JYJ, Park YooChun berkata, "JunSu telah melakukan hal yang luar biasa saat ia memamerkan iamg seeorang seniman sejati melalui musik dan album solonya". Dia juga mengirimkan dukungannya kepada Kim Jaejoong, yang mencoba gaya akting yang berbeda dari karya sebelumnya.

Pemotretan Park YooChun digelar pada hari ulang tahunnya, 4 Juni. Setelah ia terdengar mengatakan, "Sejak debut kami, aku tidak pernah menghabiskan hari ulang tahunku di Korea sebelumnya," Elle menyiapkan pesta BBQ yang sederhana. Bayangan tetntang dia menikmati pesta ulang tahunnya yang kasual dan santai.

(bagian yang tidak relevan telah dihilangkan)

[eng trans]

Photos from Park Yoochun’s photoshoot in Bali have been released.
Park Yoochun, who took on the role of the crown prince, Lee Gak, in the SBS drama “Rooftop Prince”, carried out a photoshoot for the July issue of fashion magazine, “Elle”.
Park Yoochun crossed-over to acting through the KBS2TV drama “Sungkyunkwan Scandal”, and gradually built up his career as an actor with MBC’s “Miss Ripley”, and “Rooftop Prince”.
In response to the question, “Do you feel pressurised when acting?”, Park Yoochun expressed, “I took on the production this time with an open mind, and I was actually able to enjoy acting instead. It seems that I can achieve better results this way.”
Also, when asked, “What is the album you listen to the most recently?”, Park Yoochun showed his affection (for Junsu) when he replied, “I often listen to Junsu’s solo album. As a member, I am proud of him.”
With regard to the JYJ members’ individual activities, Park Yoochun said, “Junsu has been doing outstandingly as he showed off the image of a true artist through the musical and his solo album.” He also sent his support to Kim Jaejoong, who is attempting a style of acting different from his previous works.
Park Yoochun’s photoshoot was held on the day of his birthday, 4 June. After he was heard saying, “Since our debut, I have not spent my birthday in Korea before,” Elle prepared a simple BBQ party. The image of him enjoying his birthday party is casual and easy-going.
(irrelevant portions omitted)

cr: dongbangdata.net

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