[NEWS] 120521 Park Yoo Chun and Lee Min Ho Spoil ‘Rooftop Prince’ Ending?

Para pemain dari Rooftop Prince tidak begitu peduli tentang meilis spoiler tentang drama mereka, Park Yoo Chun dan Lee Min Ho mengungkapkan beberapa spoiler dalam pembicaraan mereka di Twitter.

Pada tanggal 21 Mei, Park Yoo Chun ng-tweet, "Untuk syuting Rooftop Prince aku hanya, uhm, di Seoul. Aku selalu bersyukur dan penuh dengan cinta yang kalian berikan padaku. Aku akan selalu hidup dengan apa yang aku rasakan sekarang. Aky harap kalian menikmati minggu yang hebat".

Dia kemudian meninggalkan pesan 'Begitu indah ~ aku ingin pergi bermain~' bersama dengan foto yang menunjukkan dirinya di pantai.

Lee Min Ho, yang membaca monolog Park Yoo Chun, me mentionnya, "Hyung (kakak), Anda tidak tidur sepanjang malam. Tetaplah tenang. Percakapan itu kemudian mengisyaratkan apa yang akan terjadi di episode terakhir dari drama.

Park Yoo Chun mengatakan, "Maaf, Man Bo (Lee Min Ho). Apakah Anda masih di Hanyang tahun 2012? Saya mendengar Chi San (Choi Woo Sik) di Joseon sekarang", mengungkapkan bahwa Do Chi San telah dikirim kembali ke Joseon sekarang. Lee Min Ho menjawab, "Yang Mulia, Anda tidak punya banyak waktu. Apakah ini Hanyang?'

SBS Rooftop Prince mengisyaratkan bahwa Putra Mahkota Lee Gak (Park Yoo Chun) dan tiga temannta akan segera kembali ke Joseon ketika tubuh mereka mulai transparan.

Dengan hanya dua episode yang tertinggal dalam drama, tampak seolah-olah para kru harus meninggalkan Park Ha (Han Ji Min) di belakang.

Park Yoo Chun dan percakapan Lee Min Ho dengan demikian menegaskan bahwa ketiganya akan kembali ke Joseon sebelum Putra Mahkota Lee Gak.

Netizens yang membaca percakapan meninggalkan reaksi seperti, 'Aku tahu itu akan terjadi, tapi aku sedih karena semua orang harus kembali ke Joseon', 'Tidak bisakah mereka hanya mengirim Yong Tae Yong ke Joseon dan Lee Gak tetap di dunia modern?' dan 'Apa yang akan aku lakukan ketika semuanya berakhir minggu ini?'

Rooftop Prince akan tayang untuk yang terakhir, episode ke-20 pada tanggal 24 Mei.

[eng trans]

The cast of Rooftop Prince don’t seem to care as much about releasing spoilers about their drama, as Park Yoo Chun and Lee Min Ho revealed some in their talk over Twitter.

On May 21, Park Yoo Chun tweeted, ‘For the shoot of Rooftop Prince I’m just, uhm, in Seoul. I’m always thankful and full of the love that you’re all sending me. I’ll always live with what I feel now. I hope you have a great week.’

He then left a cute message reading ‘It’s so nice out~ I wanna go play~’ along with a photo showing himself at the beach.

Lee Min Ho, who read Park Yoo Chun’s monologue, mentioned him in a tweet reading, ‘Hyung (big brother), you’ve stayed up all night. Please keep your composure.’ The conversation that followed then hinted at what would happen in the last episodes of the drama.

Park Yoo Chun said, ‘I’m sorry, Man Bo (Lee Min Ho). Are you still in the Hanyang of 2012? I heard Chi San (Choi Woo Sik) is in Joseon now,’ revealing that Do Chi San had been sent back to Joseon from the present. Lee Min Ho answered, ‘Your Majesty, you don’t have much time. Is this Hanyang?’

SBS’ Rooftop Prince hinted that the Crown Prince Lee Gak (Park Yoo Chun) and his three subjects would soon return to Joseon when their bodies started to turn transparent.

With just two episodes left in the drama, it seemed as if the crew would have to leave Park Ha (Han Ji Min) behind.

Park Yoo Chun and Lee Min Ho’s conversation thus confirmed that the three subjects would return to Joseon before the Crown Prince Lee Gak.

Netizens who read the conversation left reactions such as, ‘I knew it would happen, but I’m sad that everyone will have to return to Joseon’, ‘Can’t they just send Yong Tae Yong to Joseon and keep Lee Gak in the modern world?’ and ‘What will I do when it all ends this week?’

Rooftop Prince will air its last, 20th episode on May 24.

cr: enewsworld

me too, cant they just send Yong Tae Yong to Joseon and keep Lee Gak in the modern world? T_T
Poor Park Ha T_T

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