[News] 120502 JYJ’s Yoochun belatedly revealed to have been in a car accident

Telah terlambat diungkapkan bahwa JYJ Yoochun telah terlibat dalam kecelakaan mobil baru-baru ini.

Kecelakaan itu terjadi pada pukul 1AM pada tanggal 26 April saat penyanyi/ aktor sedang menuju ke lokasi syuting berikutnya untuk drama 'Rooftop Prince' di Gwangju. Manajernya yang sedang mengendarai van mengatakan dia tertidur saat mengendarai, membuat van menabrak mobil di depan.

Meskipun Park YooChun telah mengalami nyeri tubuh, aktor itu belum mampu berkunjung ke rumah sakit karena jadwal drama yang sangat ketat.

Seorang staf drama yang berada di tempat kejadian menyatakan, "Para aktor dan aktris lainnya, termasuk Park YooChun, memiliki jadwal yang padat dengan kurang dari dua jam tidur sehari. Karena manajer bersama dengan aktor/ aktris, mereka juga menderita. Semua anggota staf drama telah lelah".

Karena kecelakaan itu terjadi sebelum Penghargaan '48th Baeksang Art', Park Yoochun tiba pada acara itu dengan mengendarai mobil Jaejoong bukan mobilnya.

[eng trans]

It has been belatedly revealed that JYJ‘s Yoochunwas involved in a car accident recently.

The accident occured at 1AM on April 26th while the singer/actor was being transported to the next filming location for the drama ‘Rooftop Prince‘ in Gwangju. His manager who was driving the van is said to have been dozing off at the wheel, leading the van to crash into the car in front.

Although Park Yoochun has been experiencing body aches, the actor has been unable to pay a visit to the hospital due to his extremely tight drama schedule.

A drama staff who was at the scene stated, “The other actors and actresses, including Park Yoochun, have a hectic schedule with less than two hours of sleep a day. Because managers are together with the actors/actresses, they too are suffering. All of the drama staff members are exhausted.”

As the accident had taken place before the ‘48th Baeksang Arts Award‘, Park Yoochun arrived at the ceremony riding Jaejoong‘s car instead of his van.

cr: allkpop

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