[TRANS] 120321 Park Yoochun At The Filming Site, His Milky Skin Shines Even In The Dark

Sebuah foto dari "Rooftop Prince" Park YooChun di lokasi syuting telah di upload.
Pada tanggal 21 Maret, foto dengan judul "Park YooChun yang Sedang Serius" yang diupload ke komunitas online. Ini (foto) yang diupload ke twitter oleh staff dari lembaga Park Yoochun. Foto itu menunjukkan Park YooChun yang sedang mendengarkan dengan serius penjelasan staf.
Dalam foto tersebut, Park YooChun menarik perhatian, karena meskipun mengenakan ikat kepala dan baju olahraga yang ketinggalan zaman, ia masih menunjukkan penampilan luar biasa dan kulit susunya.

Setelah melihat foto, netizens menyatakan, "Sangat ingin penonton episode pertama hari ini", "Seorang pria dengan kulit yang lebih baik daripada kulit saya" dan "keagungan putra mahkota yang bersinar", diantara tanggapan lain.

Pada catatan lain, drama SBS "Rooftop Prince", yang akan tayang pertama di SBS pada tanggal 21 Maret, menggambarkan kisah fantasi dan romantis, di mana seorang pangeran mahkota, Lee Gak, melakukan perjalanan waktu dengan para pengikutnya ke Seoul di abad 21 karena kehilangan putri mahkotanya, dan jatuh cinta dengan seorang gadis dia yang bukan dalam kehidupan masa lalunya. Park YooChun memainkan peran putra mahkota Lee Gak.

[eng trans]

An offshoot photo of “Rooftop Prince’s” Park Yoochun at the filming site has been revealed.
On 21 March, a photo with the title “Serious Park Yoochun” was uploaded onto the bulletin of an online community. This (photo) was uploaded by relevant personnel from Park Yoochun’s management agency onto Twitter. The photo shows Park Yoochun listening intently to the staff’s explanations.
In the photo, Park Yoochun attracts attention, as despite wearing a headband and an unfashionable training suit, he still shows off his outstanding looks and milky skin.

Upon seeing the photo, netizens expressed, “Really looking forward to the first broadcast today”, ” A man with better skin than me” and “His majesty the crown prince who shines”, among other responses.

On another note, SBS’s “Rooftop Prince”, which will have its first broadcast on SBS on 21 March, depicts a story of fantasy and romance, where a crown prince, Lee Gak, travels through time with his followers to Seoul in the 21st century upon losing his beloved crown princess, and falls in love with a girl he could not be with in his past life. Park Yoochun plays the role of the crown prince Lee Gak.

cr: dongbangdaya.net

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