[Trans] 120321 JYJ’s Junsu, Musical “Elisabeth” Has Attracted 200,000 People So Far

JYJ Junsu telah menikmati banyak popularitas bahkan dalam musikal.

Menurut manajemen (Junsu), C-Jes, pada tanggal 21 Maret, 12 pertunjukan dari "Elisabeth" dimana Junsu telah berpartisipasi dalam di dalamnya sejauh ini memiliki total kumulatif lebih dari 200.000. "Elisabeth" menduduiki peringkat nomor 1 dengan penjualan rekor tertinggi karena keterlibatan Junsu. Dapat dikatakan bahwa semua musikal yang di dalamnya ada JunSu telah menjadi topik diskusi.

Dengan kinerja ke-12 "Elisabeth" pada sore hari tanggal 21 Maret, Junsu telah menarik lebih dari 200.000 penonton selama ini, membuktikan popularitasnya.

Menanggapi popularitasnya sendiri, JunSu berkata, "Perasaan bekerja dengan para aktor benar-benar luar biasa dan hari demi hari sangat menyenangkan. Saya tersentuh setiap kali selama panggilan tirai, berkat sorak - sorai para penonton, itu memberi saya kekuatan".

Selain itu, ia juga mengatakan, "Saya berharap dengan sisa pertunjukan "Elisabeth", penonton akan dapat menemukan kebahagiaan mereka sendiri setelah menonton pertunjukan".

[eng trans]

JYJ’s Junsu has been enjoying much popularity even in musicals.

According to (Junsu’s) management agency, C-Jes Entertainment, on 21 March, the 12 performances of “Elisabeth” which Junsu has participated in so far have a cumulative total audience of more than 200,000. “Elisabeth” has ranked number 1 with record high sales due to Junsu’s involvement. It can be said that all the musicals that Junsu has participated in have become topics of discussion.

With his 12th “Elisabeth” performance on the afternoon of 21 March, Junsu has attracted more than 200,000 audiences so far, proving his popularity.

In response to his own popularity, Junsu said, “The feeling of working with really outstanding actors and actresses day after day is very fun. I am touched each time during the curtain call, thanks to the audience who applaud us, it gives me strength.”

In addition, he also said, “I hope that with the remaining performances of “Elisabeth”, the audience will be able to find their own happiness after watching the performances.”

cr: dongbangdata.net

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