[News] 120328 Park Yoo Chun Watched "Rooftop Prince" 5 Times Already

Aktor Park Yoo Chun yang saat ini membintangi drama SBS "Rooftop Prince" tampaknya berada di bawah mantra dari drama ini.

Pada tanggal 22 Maret, episode kedua dari drama disiarkan di SBS. Yoo Chun mengatakan, "Saya menonton episode itu tidak kurang dari lima kali".

Dalam "Rooftop Prince," YooChun memainkan peran putra mahkota dari dinasti Joseon Lee Gak yang menemukan dirinya tiga ratus tahun di masa depan, dalam suasana modern. Yoo Chun memiliki kesempatan untuk bermain untuk kedua sisi bagian dan menampilkan akting yang serius dan lucu.

Menurut perwakilan Yoo Chun, dilaporkan bahwa Yoo Chun menyaksikan episode 1 drama beberapa kali, menonton episode 2 lima kali, di rumahnya melalui laptopnya, dan juga ketika ia berada di perjalanan untuk menghadiri jadwal.

Yoo Chun berkomentar, "Dalam episode 2, unsur-unsur lucu akhirnya muncul. Dengan menonton episode ini, saya bisa memonitor aktingku terutama adegan-adegan lucu dan belajar dari itu Dan tentu saja menonton episode kedua itu menyenangkan. Saat menonton episode 2 Saya tidak bisa berhenti tertawa".

Dia melanjutkan dengan mengatakan, "Ketika kami sedang syuting adegan, kami tidak tahu bagaimana hasilnya dan ini apa yang membuat tim produksi kami menakjubkan. Kenyataan bahwa mereka dapat membawa unsur-unsur lucu saat syuting tanpa mengetahui bagaimana hasilnya. Para aktor mengatakan bahwa episode itu benar-benar menarik dan lucu, kami semua lebih percaya diri dengan tim produksi kami".

[eng trans]

Actor Park Yoo Chun who is currently starring in the SBS drama "Rooftop Prince" seems to be under the spell of the series.

On March 22, the second episode of the drama was broadcast on SBS. Yoo Chun was quoted as saying, "I watched that episode no less than five times."

In "Rooftop Prince," Yoochun plays the role of the crown prince of the Joseon dynasty Lee Gak who finds himself three hundred years in the future, in a modern setting. Yoo Chun has the opportunity to play both sides of his part and display a serious and comical acting.

According to Yoo Chun's representatives, it was reported that Yoo Chun watched episode 1 of the drama several times, while watching episode 2 five times, at home on his laptop, but also while he was on the go to attend schedules.

Yoo Chun commented, "In episode 2, the comical elements finally appear. By watching the episodes, I can monitor my acting especially the comical scenes and learn from it. And of course watching the second episode was a lot of fun. While watching episode 2 I couldn't stop laughing."

He continued by saying, "When we're filming a scene, we don't know how it will come out on screen and this is what makes our production team amazing. The fact that they can bring out the comical elements during the shooting without knowing how it will come out. Our cast members said that the episode was really interesting and funny. We all are all the more confident with our production team."

cr: soompi

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