[NEWS] 120327 JYJ Performs for the First Ladies of the World at the ‘Blue House’

Grup idola JYJ tampil didepan Ibu- Ibu Negara di dunia.

Pada tanggal 27 JYJ diundang untuk Event 'Nuclear Summit First Ladies' di Gedung Biru, dan menyanyikan lagu hit mereka, "Be My Girl" dan juga "In Heaven".

Ibu Negara datang dari Gabon, Nigeria, Afrika Selatan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Swiss, Singapura, Italia, India, Indonesia, Cina, Chili, Filipina, negara-negara di PBB, Uni Eropa dan banyak lagi, Para Ibu Negara ini dilaporkan menikmati konser JYJ, mempertahankan senyum di wajah mereka selama acara berlangsung.

Menurut perwakilan JYJ, Ibu Negara dari Swiss, Vietnam, Filipina, Chili, dan Afrika Selatan tinggal setelah pertunjukan usai untuk mengambil foto dengan JYJ.

Ibu Negara Korea, Kim Yoon Oak menyambut Park YooChun secara pribadi, mengatakan, "Saya menyukai drama baru Anda 'Rooftop Prince'"

Humas komite perencanaan acara berkomentar, "Semua Ibu Negara, termasuk Kim Yoon Oak menyambut positif pertunjukan ini. Event ini telah menjadi kesempatan lain untuk menyebarkan kesadaran lebih tentang K-POP di seluruh dunia".

Anggota JYJ berkomentar, "Kami sangat senang karena kami telah diundang untuk acara yang berarti, berbagi keunggulan Korea dengan Ibu Negara di dunia. Kami bangga bahwa kami memiliki kesempatan untuk mempromosikan kemuliaan bangsa kita setelah tur dunia kami berakhir, dan meskipun itu konser kecil, kami berharap bahwa ini memberikan mereka memori yang berharga dari Korea".

Dalam berita terkait, jadwal sibuk anggota JYJ dengan peran di serial drama, musikal, antara aktivitas individu lainnya.

[eng trans]

Idol group JYJ performed for many of the First Ladies of the world.

On March 27th, JYJ was invited to the ‘Nuclear Summit First Ladies’ Event‘ at the Blue House, and performed their hit songs, “Be My Girl” as well as “In Heaven“.

The First Ladies came from Gabon, Nigeria, South Africa, Malaysia, Vietnam, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, India, Indonesia, China, Chile, The Philippines, countries in the United Nations, the European Union and more, The First Ladies reportedly enjoyed the performance, maintaining a smile on their faces throughout the event.

According to JYJ’s representatives, the first ladies from Switzerland, Vietnam, The Philippines, Chile, and South Africa stayed after the performance was over to take a photograph with JYJ.

Korean First Lady Kim Yoon Oak greeted Park Yoochun personally, saying, “I am enjoying your new drama ‘Rooftop Prince‘.”

The publicist of the event planning committee remarked, “All the First Ladies, including Kim Yoon Oak responded positively to the performance. This has been another opportunity to spread more K-POP awareness all over the world.”

The JYJ members remarked, “We are so glad we have been invited to such a meaningful event, sharing Korea’s excellence with the first ladies of the world. We are proud that we had a chance to promote the glory of our nation after our world tour came to an end, and though it was a short performance, we hope that this offered the first ladies a cherished memory of Korea.”

In related news, the JYJ members are juggling a busy schedule with roles in drama series, musicals, amongst other individual activities.

cr: allkpop

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