[NEWS] 120326 SM Entertainment Artists to Become SM Entertainment Shareholders

SM Entertainment, salah satu perusahaan hiburan terbesar di Korea, baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan mengeluarkan saham baru senilai sekitar $ 881.000 untuk artis mereka. Sebagai bagian dari peningkatan modal mereka melalui penjatahan pihak ketiga, artis SM Entertainment akan menjadi pemegang saham utama dari perusahaan, sehingga secara efektif memiliki sepotong perusahaan mereka.

Pada tanggal 26 Maret, SM Entertainment mengumumkan rencana tersebut melalui DART Financial Supervisory Service, yang akan memberikan artis SM Kangta, BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls' Generation, SHINee, f(x), Go Ara, dan lebih dari sekitar $ 881.000 dari saham SM.

SM Entertainment akan mengeluarkan 22.120 saham baru dengan setiap saham individu senilai ₩ 44.550 (sekitar $ 39 - $ 40 USD) masing-masing.

Kangta, BoA, dan sebagian besar Super Junior dan anggota Girls' Generation akan menerima 680 saham masing-masing (sekitar $ 27.200 untuk setiap anggota), sedangkan SHINee dan f(x) anggota akan menerima 340 saham (sekitar $ 13.600 untuk setiap anggota).

SM Entertainment mengeluarkan pernyataan yang mengatakan, "Peningkatan modal merupakan kemitraan kuat antara perusahaan dan artis, dan kami berharap bahwa sebagai pemegang saham, artis kami akan berbagi dan mengambil bagian dalam visi dan pertumbuhan perusahaan".

Mereka melanjutkan, "Kami mengharapkan pertumbuhan global perusahaan melalui kerjasama ini dengan para artis".

[eng trans]

SM Entertainment, one of Korea’s largest entertainment companies, has recently announced that it would be issuing approximately $881,000 worth of new shares for its artists. As a part of their capital increase through a third party allotment, SM Entertainment artists will become major shareholders of the company, thereby effectively owning a piece of their company.

On March 26th, SM Entertainment announced the plan through DART Financial Supervisory Service, which will provide SM artists Kangta, BoA, TVXQ, Super Junior, Girl’s Generation, SHINee, f(x), Go Ara, and more of approximately $881,000 worth of SM Entertainment stock.

SM Entertainment will issue 22,120 new shares of stock with each individual share valued at 44,550 won (approximately $39 – $40 USD) each.

Kangta, BoA, and most of the Super Junior and Girls’ Generation members will be receiving 680 shares each (value of around $27,200 for each member), while SHINee and f(x) members will be receiving 340 shares each (value of around $13,600 for each member).

SM Entertainment released a statement saying, “This capital increase represents a strengthening partnership between the company and its artists, and we hope that as shareholders, our artists will share and take part in the vision and growth of the company.”

They continued, “We are expecting a global growth of the company through this renewed partnership with the artists.”

cr: allkpop

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