[NEWS] 111010 TVXQ reaches Platinum status in Japan within 2 days

Album Jepang TVXQ "TONE" baru-baru ini mendapat pengakuan untuk mencapai status Platinum.

Pada tanggal 9 Oktober, asosiasi rekaman Jepang (RIAJ) membagikan status yang dicapai oleh album yang dijual antara 1 Januari - 30 September tahun ini. Dalam rangka mencapai status emas, setidaknya 100.000 salinan album harus dijual, sedangkan untuk pertimbangan Platinum, setidaknya 250.000 eksemplar yang dibutuhkan.

TVXQ diberi judul Platinum untuk album "TONE" mereka. Apa yang membuat ini bahkan lebih mengesankan adalah bahwa "TONE" telah dirilis pada tanggal 28 September (2 hari sebelum memotong tanggal 30 September), dan berhasil menjual lebih dari 250.000 eksemplar dalam 2 hari, untuk mencapai status Platinum.

Selain catatan Platinum, TVXQ masih berada ditempat #3 di chart mingguan Oricon dengan demikian mempertahankan penjualan yang tinggi dan membuktikan popularitas lanjutan mereka.

TVXQ saat ini di tengah-tengah "Asia Tour Fan Party" mereka, dan rencana untuk memulai tur di Jepang pada awal tahun depan.

klik the title~!!

[eng trans]

TVXQ‘s Japanese album ‘Tone‘ has recently gained recognition for reaching Platinum status.

On October 9th, the Japanese recording association (RIAJ) dealt out the status’ reached by albums that were sold between January 1st to September 30th of this year. In order to achieve Gold status, at least 100,000 copies of an album had to be sold, while to be considered Platinum, at least 250,000 copies were needed.

TVXQ was given the title of Platinum for their ‘Tone’ album. What made this even more impressive was that ‘Tone’ had been released on September 28th (2 days before the cut off date of September 30th), and managed to sell more than 250,000 copies within 2 days, to achieve the Platinum status.

In addition to the Platinum record, TVXQ is still coming in at #3 on the Oricon weekly chart thus maintaining high sales and proving their continued popularity.

TVXQ is currently in the midst of their ‘Asia Tour Fan Party‘, and plans to kick off a tour around Japan at the beginning of next year.

cr: allkpop
indo: broken tsubasa

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