[TRANS] 110607 7 Experts Rate Idol-Turned-Actors For Their ‘Acting Career And Potential’

Idola yang menjdai aktro TOP-Park Toochun adalah 'Blue Chips'

# 2. Park YooChun 7.7
"Ketika ia bernyanyi, saya melihat dia sebagai seorang artis tetapi ketika ia berakting, saya melihat dia sebagai idola".

Para ahli yang berpartisipasi dalam evaluasi ini: Direktur Biro KBS Drama: Ko Myung Tak, Kepala Departemen Hiburan di Sports Donga: Kim Jaebum, Direktur Pejabat iHQ Academy: Ahn Hyuk Mo, Profesor dari Korea Sastra Universitas Choongnam (kritikus Drama): Yoon Seok Jin, Direktur Biro MBC Drama: Dae Lee Young, Kritik Budaya Pop: Moon Lee Won, Direktur Biro Drama SBS: Woong Heo.

Big Bang TOP (Choi Seung Hyun) telah dievaluasi sebagai idolah yang menjdi aktor dengan karir yang akting yang paling sukses dan paling potensial. Sebuah panel dari 7 ahli, termasuk direksi dari tiga perusahaan penyiaran besar, mengevaluasi 'berakting hingga sekarang' dan 'potensi pertumbuhan 11-idola yang menjdi yang telah aktif' dalam dua tahun terakhir melalui drama dan film . Choi Seung Hyun keluar di atas untuk kedua dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 7,6 dan 8.

Menurut para ahli, "imagenya yang berani dan pesonanya" (Ahn Hyuk Mo) dan "Sudah waktunya bagi dia untuk mengembangkan karir aktingnya." Choi Seung Hyun menerima Best Male Newcomer Award di Baeksang Arts Awards untuk perannya di film 'Into Crossfire'

Tempat di kedua bidang ini diberikan kepada JYJ Park YooChun (7, 7,7), sedangkan tempat ketiga pergi 2PM Ok Taecyeon (6,6 , 7,6). Park YooChun debutnya melalui 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' tahun lalu drama dan saat ini berakting pada drama Senin-Selasa MBC 'Miss Ripley'. Ok Taecyeon debutnya melalui 'Cinderella's Sister' dan memainkan peran utama dalam 'Dream High' tahun ini.

Mengenai Park YooChun, para ahli berkata, "Dia perlu untuk mempertahankan fluiditas" (Yoon Seok Jin) dan (Lee Dae Young) Mengenai Ok Taecyeon, mereka berkata, "Ia memiliki potensi sebagai aktor melodrama." "Dia serius tentang pekerjaan dan memiliki kualitas bintang. Apa yang tidak dia memiliki adalah waktu untuk memusatkan seluruh energi untuk berakting" (Lee Moon Won).


klik the title~!!

[eng trans]

Idol-Turned-Actors TOP-Park Yoochun are ‘Blue Chips’

#2. Park Yoochun 7.7
“When he sings, I see him as an artiste but when he acts, I see him as an idol.”

The experts who participated in this evaluation: Director of the KBS Drama Bureau: Ko Myung Tak, Head Of The Entertainment Department at Sports Donga: Kim Jaebum, Director of iHQ Acting Academy: Ahn Hyuk Mo, Professor of Korean Literature at Choongnam University (Drama Critic): Yoon Seok Jin, Director of MBC’s Drama Bureau: Lee Dae Young, Pop Culture Critic: Lee Moon Won, Director of SBS’ Drama Bureau: Heo Woong.

Big Bang’s TOP (Choi Seung Hyun) has been evaluated as the idol-turned-actor with the most successful acting career and the most potential for growth. A panel of 7 experts, including the directors of the three major broadcasting companies, evaluated the ‘acting careers till now’ and ‘potential for growth’ for 11 idol-turned-actors who have been active in the past two years through dramas and movies. Choi Seung Hyun came out on top for both with average scores of 7.6 and 8.

According to the experts, “His bold and clear image is his charm”(Ahn Hyuk Mo) and “It’s time for him to expand his acting career.” Choi Seung Hyun received the Best Male Newcomer Award at the Baeksang Arts Awards for his role in the movie ‘Into the Crossfire’

Second place in both fields was given to JYJ’s Park Yoochun (7, 7.7) while third place went to 2PM’s Ok Taecyeon (6.6, 7.6). Park Yoochun debuted through the drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ last year and is currently acting in MBC’s Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Miss Ripley’. Ok Taecyeon debuted through ‘Cinderella’s Sister’ and played the leading role in ‘Dream High’ this year.

Regarding Park Yoochun, the experts said, “He needs to maintain his dry fluidity,”(Yoon Seok Jin) and “He has potential as a melodrama actor.”(Lee Dae Young) Regarding Ok Taecyeon, they said, “He is serious about his work and has star quality. What he lacks is the time to focus all his energy on acting.” (Lee Moon Won)


cr: dongbangdata.net
indo: broken tsubasa

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