[Trans] 110520 JYJ’s Fandom Donates Blood Donor Cards To Children With Cancer

Kegiatan amal fans JYJ terus berlanjut.

Pada tanggal 18, Daum Telzone ‘JYJ Gallery’ menyumbangkan 180 kartu donor darah ke 'Korean Children with Leukemia Foundation'.

Dalam thread berita mereka, 'Korean Children with Leukemia Foundation' me-upload sebuah posting yang berbunyi, "Daum Telzone 'JYJ Gallery' menyumbangkan 180 kartu donor darah yang dikumpulkan untuk kampanye donor darah untuk anak-anak yang meenderita kanker"

Mereka terus menyatakan, "Kami akan memberikan kartu donor darah kepada anak-anak yang membutuhkan. Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada masyarakat Daum Telzone JYJ Gallery untuk berpartisipasi dalam kampanye donor darah kami".

Tidak hanya itu, tapi penggemar JYJ juga menyumbangkan 1,86 ton beras kepada anak-anak menderita kekurangan gizi untuk mendukung drama Park Yoochun 'Miss Ripley' dan mereka telah terus-menerus menyumbangkan untuk anak-anak yang menderita penyakit langka.

Perwakilan menyatakan, "Fans terus melakukan berbagai pekerjaan amal dan donor dengan nama JYJ dalam harapan bahwa lebih banyak orang akan mengikuti mereka dan memberikan kembali kepada masyarakat".

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

JYJ fans’ warm acts of charity are continuing on.

On the 18th, Daum Telzone’s ‘JYJ Gallery’ donated 180 blood donor cards to the Korean Children with Leukemia Foundation.

In their News of Hope thread, the Korean Children with Leukemia Foundation uploaded a post that read, “Daum Telzone’s ‘JYJ Gallery’ donated 180 blood donor cards that were collected for the blood donation campaign for children with cancer.”

They continued to state, “We will deliver the blood donor cards to children who are in much need of them. We would like to thank the people of Daum Telzone’s JYJ Gallery for participating in our blood donation campaign.”

Not only this, but JYJ’s fans have also donated 1.86 tons of rice to children suffering from malnutrition to support Park Yoochun’s drama ‘Miss Ripley’ and they have been continuously donating to children suffering from rare diseases.

A representative stated, “Fans continue to carry out various acts of charity work and donation drives under JYJ’s name in the hopes that more people will follow their lead and give back to the community.“

cr: dongbangdata.net
indo: broken tsubasa

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