[TRANS] 110516 Bonobono’s Writer Talks About Tohoshinki's HoMin

Sya menulis ini pada tanggal 11 Mei. Sudah tepat 2 bulan sejak Gempa Tohoku. Yang mengejutkan adalah, saaya hampir tidak bisa mengingat apa pun yang terjadi sebelum gempa bumi. Saya tidak ingat apakah anakku datang kembali selama tahun baru, tapi istri saya mengatakan bahwa dia membawa kepiting dan sepertinya kita semua makan bersama-sama. Setelah itu dikatakan, saya tampaknya memiliki beberapa ingatan itu.

Pada tanggal 11 Maret, saya bangun di pagi hari seperti biasa, dan pergi bekerja seperti biasa, dan bekerja seperti biasa. Ketika mulai gemetar, saya tidak benar-benar peduli, hanya berpikir, "Apakah gempa lain?" Tapi kemudian terus gemetar. Meskipun prefektur Miyagi adalah tempat dimana banyak terjadi gempa bumi, namun karena fakta bahwa dalam 5 sampai 6 tahun terakhir, selalu ada tremor, saya agak membencinya. Karena ada rumor bahwa akan ada gempa bumi besar terjadi lagi di prefektur Miyagi, saya telah siap, berpikir, "Dalam hidup saya, ada gempa bumi mungkin akan lain derajat itu," namun gempa ini tidak boleh itu. Bumi gemuruh, dan bangunan menjerit, semuanya jatuh dan runtuh. Ini jauh melampaui lingkup apa pun yang telah terjadi padaku sebelumnya, sejauh yang rasanya agak berbahaya.

Di tempat kerja, itu menjadi sebuah situasi dimana kami tidak bisa bahkan menceritakan apa yang telah rusak, dan karena ada gempa susulan yang kuat, sehingga apa yang kami lakukan adalah pulang ke rumah menggunakan mobil asisten untuk saat ini. Sedangkan pada perjalanan pulang dan terjebak dalam kemacetan lalu lintas, kami menonton berita di ponsel kami, dan gambar tsunami diambil dari helikopter Self Defence Forces. Ini adalah gambar dari satu gelombang demi satu bergegas menuju Sendai, dan kami (akhirnya) mengerti apa yang terjadi.

Dengan sistem surat telepon selular turun, kami mencoba untuk pulang, dan meskipun aku merasa sedikit putus asa ketika saya melihat istri saya berdiri di sepanjang jalan dan berbicara kepada pemilik warung teh, rumah tidak akan rusak separah seperti yang saya pikir. Bodoh ketika saya menerima surat pertama dari istri saya di malam hari, judul adalah "Rumah ini hancur," dan memikirkan bagaimana orang yang melihat judul seperti itu mungkin akan terkejut, itu mungkin berarti "interior rumah rusak" atau sesuatu. Ketika saya benar-benar mencoba untuk membuka pintu utama, (rumah) berada dalam kondisi dimana hanya itu yang saya bisa lakukan, dan aku bahkan tidak bisa melangkah masuk

Listrik dipotong, air dan gas telah dihentikan, seperti menjadi gelap, kami sesaat membersihkan item, untuk memastikan bahwa kita bisa bergerak di lantai pertama. Meskipun tidak benar-benar tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, kami mulai khawatir tentang makanan, tapi kami makan nasi. Jika kita makan nasi, kita mungkin bisa melakukan sesuatu sehingga kami untuk sementara lega. Namun, di tengah malam, setiap kali sebuah gempa susulan intens datang dan tanpa mengetahui kapan akan berakhir, potongan-potongan beton dari sisi jendela yang pecah di ruang tamu terbang. Itu menakutkan jadi kami mencoba untuk pergi ke luar, dan berkumpul dengan tetangga. Sementara berbicara, kami mendengar bahwa ada sebuah sekolah dasar terdekat yang diubah menjadi tempat penampungan. Kami bahkan tidak memiliki air, jadi istri saya dan saya memutuskan untuk meninggalkan rumah untuk tempat tinggal, dan pergi untuk mencari perlindungan untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup kita.

Setelah masuk, kami berhasil mendapatkan air, kerupuk dan handuk, dan meskipun ada tiga kompor minyak tanah terbakar, tak ada yang dapat mereka lakukan terhadap dinginnya salju pada bulan Maret di malam Tohoku, di gimnasium. Tidur tidak mungkin dengan dingin dan gempa susulan kuat, dan kami menonton gambar-gambar (destruktif) kebakaran terbakar di tengah malam di beberapa tempat lain di telepon selular, yang akan segera kehabisan baterai.

Keesokan harinya, sebagai istri saya selalu prihatin tentang paket yang akan tiba pada sore hari 11 Maret, kami berdua berjalan di jalan retak dan tidak rata dan pergi ke tempat kerja, dan seperti yang diharapkan, tidak ada tanda-tanda pengiriman. Sehubungan dengan isi paket ini, sebelum gempa bumi seorang teman istri saya telah menemukan sebuah gambar dari Tohoshinki mengenakan "Bonobono" topi di internet, dan sebagai kata mendapat berlalu sekitar, entah bagaimana "tampaknya seperti kita dapat meminta untuk tanda tangan Tohoshinki" adalah hasil dari itu. Setelah itu dia benar-benar mendapat CD yang ditandatangani, dan itu diatur untuk dikirim, karena untuk mencapainya pada hari gempa.

Saya tahu bahwa istri saya dan anak perempuannya tergila-gila hallyu akhir-akhir ini, dan penggemar Tohoshinki, tapi berkaitan dengan paket ini dengan menandatangani cd, pengiriman kantor telah dihancurkan, jalanan dilewati, dengan bensin tidak, dan telepon garis tidak bisa terhubung, dan karena kita bahkan tidak tahu di mana paket itu sendiri, kami meninggalkan hal seperti itu. Selama waktu ini, istri saya terus mengkhawatirkan tentang keberadaan paket, dan meskipun kami diperiksa dengan orang-orang di perusahaan penerbitan beberapa kali, sampai yang sebenarnya perusahaan pengiriman kembali bekerja, tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan. Bahkan saat melihat video dari semua daerah bencana, istri saya terus mengkhawatirkan paket. Setelah itu, garis bagi perusahaan pengiriman punya tersambung, dan mengidentifikasi yang berkantor paket itu di. Sebagai pengiriman orang tidak memiliki mobil perusahaan, kita harus pergi semua cara untuk mengumpulkan di mobil kita sendiri atau seperti itu, maka istri saya mengambil sepeda dan mengayuh perjalanan ke kantor.

Akhirnya menerima parsel, isinya sekali setiap CD untuk istri saya dan anak perempuan, mereka masing-masing memiliki tanda tangan kedua anggota Tohoshinki serta pesan tertulis dalam bahasa Jepang. Sama seperti bagaimana dunia terkesan dengan cara para korban bencana telah membawa diri mereka sendiri, saya terkesan oleh ketulusan dari dua anggota Tohoshinki, dan istri saya, yang terus menangis setiap kali dia melihat video dari bencana, mulai menangis lagi.

Bagi saya, dari hari listrik sudah tersambung, saya tidak beranjak dari depan televisi, dan video mengamati daerah bencana dari tempat tidurku. Di antara ini, terus menerus disiarkan televisi lokal program tentang "Pesan dari korban" di tengah malam. Di sana, sementara semua korban menghadapi kamera dan memohon ke mikrofon, ada seorang wanita yang terus mengangguk-angguk penuh semangat. Saya tidak yakin apakah dia adalah seorang penyiar perempuan, atau staf tapi dengan rambut panjang berantakan diikat dalam dan menggunakan masker besar, ia duduk di sisi frame dan sering setengah-tersembunyi, berulang kali mengangguk. Setiap malam, saat aku menonton rekaman program ini, saya selalu melihat wanita ini hanya mengangguk. Gambar ini adalah wakil dari bagaimana saya pada waktu itu.

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

I’m writing this on 11 May. It has been exactly 2 months since the Tohoku Earthquake. The surprising thing is, I can hardly remember anything that happened before the earthquake. I don’t remember if my daughter came back during the new year, but my wife said that she brought crab and it seems like we all ate it together. After that was said, I seem to have some recollection of it.

On 11 March, I woke up in the morning as usual, and went to work as usual, and worked as usual. When the shaking started, I wasn’t really concerned, just thinking,“Is it another earthquake?” but then it just kept shaking. Although Miyagi prefecture is a place where a lot of earthquakes happen, but due to the fact that in the recent 5 to 6 years, there were always tremors, I kind of hated it. As there were rumours that there would be a big earthquake happening again in Miyagi prefecture, I had been prepared, thinking, “In my lifetime, there will probably another earthquake of that degree,” but this earthquake shouldn’t be it. The earth was rumbling, and the buildings were screaming, everything was falling and came crashing down. This was far beyond the scope of anything that has happened to me before, to the extent that it felt somewhat malicious.

In the workplace, it became a situation where we couldn’t even tell what had been damaged, and because there were intense aftershocks, so what we did was to go home using the assistant’s car for now. While on the way back and being stuck in a traffic jam, we watched the news on our mobile phones, and images of the tsunami taken from the Self Defence Forces helicopters came on. These were images of the waves one after another rushing towards Sendai, and we (finally) understood what was happening.

With the mobile phone mail systems down, we tried to go home, and although I felt a little discouraged when I saw my wife standing along the road and talking to the tea shop owner, the house wouldn’t be as badly damaged as I had thought. Stupidly when I received the first mail from my wife at night, the title was “The house is destroyed,” and thinking about how anyone who saw a title like that would probably be shocked, it probably meant “The interior of the house is damaged” or something. When I actually tried to open the main door, (the house) was in a condition where that was all I could do, and I couldn’t even step in.

Electricity was cut, water and gas had been stopped, as it became dark, we momentarily cleared the items, to ensure that we could move about on the first floor. While not really knowing what to do, we started worrying about food, but we had rice. If we had rice, we could probably do something so we were temporarily relieved. However, in the middle of the night, every time an intense aftershock came and without knowing when it will end, the concrete pieces from the side of the broken window in the living room flew. It was scary so we tried to go outside, and gathered with the neighbours. While talking, we heard that there was an elementary school nearby that was converted into a shelter. We didn’t even have water, so my wife and I decided to leave the house for the shelter, and went to seek refuge for the first time in our lives.

Once inside, we managed to get water, crackers and towels, and although there were three kerosene stoves burning, there was nothing they could do against the chill of the snow in March in the Tohoku night, at a gymnasium. Sleep was impossible with the cold and the intense aftershocks, and we watched images of the (destructive) fires burning in the middle of the night in some other place on the mobile phone, which would soon run out of battery.

The next day, as my wife was constantly concerned about a parcel which was due to arrive on the afternoon of 11 March, the two of us walked on the cracked and uneven roads and went to the workplace, and as expected, there had been no signs of a delivery. With regards to the contents of this parcel, before the earthquake a friend of my wife had discovered an image of Tohoshinki wearing the “Bonobono” hat on the internet, and as word got passed around, somehow “it seems like we can request for Tohoshinki’s signature” was the result of it. Following that she really got the signed CD, and it was arranged to be sent, due to reach her on the day of the earthquake.

I knew that my wife and daughter were crazy about the hallyu wave lately, and were fans of Tohoshinki, but with regards to this parcel with the signed cd, the dispatch office had been destroyed, the roads were impassable, with no gasoline, and telephone lines could not be connected, and since we didn’t even know where the parcel itself was, we left it as that. During this time, my wife kept worrying about the whereabouts of the package, and even though we checked with the people at the publishing company a few times, until the actual dispatch company resumed working, there was nothing that could be done. Even while looking at videos of all the affected areas, my wife kept worrying about the parcel. After that, the line for the dispatch company got connected, and identified which office the parcel was at. As the dispatch person had no company car, we would have to go all the way to collect it in our own car or such, so my wife took a bicycle and pedaled her way to the office.

Finally receiving the parcel, it contained once CD each for my wife and daughter, they each had both Tohoshinki members’ signatures as well as a polite message written in Japanese. Just like how the world was impressed with the way the disaster victims had carried themselves, I was impressed by the sincerity of the two members of Tohoshinki, and my wife, who kept crying whenever she saw videos of the disaster, started crying again.

For me, from the day electricity had been connected, I did not move from in front of the television, and watched videos of the disaster areas from my bed. Among this, the local television continuously broadcasted a program about “Messages from the victims” in the middle of the night. In there, while all the victims faced the camera and pleaded into the microphone, there was a woman who kept nodding vigorously. I’m not sure if she is a female announcer, or staff but with her long messy hair tied up in and using a large mask, she sits at the side of the frame and is often half-hidden, repeatedly nodding. Every night, as I watch the recording of this program, I always see this woman simply nodding. This picture is representative of how I was at that time.

cr: dongbangdata.net
indo: broken tsubasa

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