Aktor Park YooChun memenangkan Best Male Rookie dan Popularity Award di Baeksang Arts Award.
Pada malam tanggal 26 di Peace Palace of Kyunghee University, Seoul di mana event 47th Baeksang Arts Award diadakan, Park YooChun dianugerahi Penghargaan Best Male Rookie Award untuk kategori Aktor TV.
Penghargaan merasa terhormat untuk Park YooChun untuk usaha besar yang ia buat saat sedang menggambarkan perannya Lee Seon-Jun di 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' debut drama sebelumnya tahun lalu. Ia mengalahkan line lainnya seperti Kim Soo-hyun, Ok Taecyeon, dann Park Jin-young sebelum akhirnya mampu merangkul penghargaan terhormat.
Setelah menerima penghargaan, Park Yoochun mengungkapkan perasaan emosional tentang pidato sambutannya, "Ini sulit bagi kami untuk menangkap kesempatan dan harus saya katakan tidak banyak kesempatan yang baik datang kepada kami juga, sehingga saya senang memliki drama yang hebat dan menerima begitu banyak cinta untuk itu. Saya juga brharap akan ada lebih banyak kesempatan baik seperti ini untuk kami di masa depan".
Sementara setelah dia memenangkan penghargaan lain, Park YooChun berterima kasih atas sesama anggota JYJ dan penggemar, "Setelah terluka, saya menjadi lebih kuat" katanya pikiran batin bermakna dia.
’2011 Baeksang Arts Award’ merayakan ulang tahun ke-47 tahun ini, yang diadakan untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1965, event untuk penghargaan semua produsen aktif dan aktor untuk kedua film dan TV sepanjang tahun dengan 15 kategori penghargaan untuk TV dan 11 kategori untuk film.
klik the title~!
[eng trans]
Actor Park Yoochun won Best Male Rookie and Popularity Award in Baeksang Arts Award.
On the 26th evening at Peace Palace of Kyunghee University, Seoul where the ’47th Baeksang Arts Award’ ceremony was held, Park Yoochun was awarded Best Male Rookie Award for Male TV Actor category.
The award was honored to Park Yoochun for the great effort he made while was portraying his role Lee Seon-jun in his debut drama ‘SungKyunKwan Scandal’ earlier last year. He beat other line up names of nominees such as Kim Soo-hyun, Ok Taecyeon, and Park Jin-young before was finally able to embrace the honorable award.
Upon receiving the award, Park Yoochun revealed his emotional feeling on his acceptance speech, “It’s been hard for us to catch a chance and shall I say not many good chances come to us as well, thus I’m happy to have such great drama and receiving so much love for it. I also wish there will be more good opportunities like this for us in the future.”
While after his another winning for popularity award, Park Yoochun preached his gratitude for his fellow JYJ members and fans, “After getting hurt, I become even more tougher,” he said the meaningful inner thoughts of him.
The ’2011 Baeksang Arts Award’ is celebrating its 47th anniversary this year, being launched for the first time in 1965, it’s been an event to award all those active producers and actors for both movie and TV sector throughout the year with 15 award categories for TV section and 11 categories for movies.
sr: sharingyoochun.net
indo: broken tsubasa
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