[NEWS] 110524 Yoochun and Kang Hyejung Film a Date Scene in a Baseball Field

Park YooChun dan Kang Hyejung dari "Miss Ripley" muncul di lapangan
baseball dan membuka kencan kejutan.

Dalam drama baru MBC yang akan ditayangkan pada tanggal 30, "Miss Ripley," Park YooChun akan memainkan peran Song Yoohyun, sebagai "Pangeran Tampan" yang memiliki penampilan, kemampuan, dan latar belakang, dan Kang Hyejung akan memainkan peran Na Heeju, yang berasal dari panti asuhan yang sama seperti Lee Dahae dan yang polos dan kepekaan yang murni.

Dalam drama, Song Yoohyun dan Na Heeju telah bertemu di Hotel "a" dengan Koinsiden. Selain itu, karena ia mengungkapkan bahwa teman dekat Song Yoohyun Ha Chuljin adalah sepupu Na Heeju, keduanya menjadi dekat.

Na Heeju dan Song Yoohyun berjanji untuk menonton pertandingan bisbol dengan membawa teman-teman tapi temanya batal datang dan hanya keduanyalah uang datang untuk menonton pertandingan bisbol. Untuk syuting cerita ini, Park YooChun dan Kang Hyejung mengunjungi Mokdong Baseball Field tanggal 3.

Pembuatan film ini diadakan tepat sebelum permainan yang sebenarnya antara NNexen Heroes dan Kia Tigers dimulai. Untuk menghibur realistis, Park YooChun dan Kang Hyejung memegangan balon Nexen Heroes di tangan mereka (yang menjadi tuan rumah di Lapangan Mokdong) dan memamerkan adegan kencan bisbol antusias seolah-olah mereka sepenuhnya terserap dalam permainan.

Secara khusus, penutup adalah bahwa Park YooChun dan Kang Hyejung yang bersemangat seperti anak-anak, seperti berikut satu per satu koreografi sorak bahwa pemandu sorak dari Nexen Heroes memamerkan di depan. Kedua, yang sedang belajar perlahan koreografi dengan lagu ceria, menyatakan kebahagiaan mereka alami, seperti meledak dalam sorak berteriak bersama-sama atau drum kaki mereka.

Staf produksi mengatakan bahwa Park YooChun dan Kang Hyejung, yang dikatakan seperti menonton pertandingan bisbol dalam kehidupan biasa, semua tersenyum, mengatakan bahwa berada di lapangan itu sendiri yang menyenangkan dan pengalaman bahagia.

Perusahaan produksi menyampaikan: "adegan bisbol telah berjalan dengan dengan Park YooChun dan Kang Hyejung belajar menyemangati dari cheerleader aktual untuk jelas syuting mereka bersorak-sorai. Berkat dua yang dikatakan seperti permainan bisbol menonton dalam hidup teratur, menghibur antusias mereka lebih tepat digambarkan"

Pada saat yang sama, "Miss Ripley" adalah konten yang bohong bahwa seorang wanita mengatakan tanpa bermaksud berbohong beruang lain dan ia jatuh ke dalam jurang kebohongan dan menghadapi krisis di mana ia berdiri untuk kehilangan segalanya karena kebohongan. Selain itu, sebuah melodrama otentik di mana dua orang yang telah datang untuk mencintai wanita ini dengan keinginan serakah memiliki konflik dan rekonsiliasi di antara cinta dan kehancuran.

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

Park Yoochun and Kang Hyejung of “Miss Ripley” showed up in a
baseball field and unfolded a surprise date.

In the new MBC Mon-Tues drama that will be aired on the 30th, “Miss Ripley,” Park Yoochun will play the role of Song Yoohyun, the top “Prince Charming” of this generation who has looks, abilities, and background, and Kang Hyejung will play the role of Na Heeju, who is from the same orphanage as Lee Dahae and has innocent and pure sensibilities.

In the drama, Song Yoohyun and Na Heeju has met in Hotel “a” by a concidence. Furthermore, as it is revealed that Song Yoohyun’s close friend Ha Chuljin is Na Heeju’s cousin, the two become close.

Na Heeju and Song Yoohyun promise to watch a baseball game by bringing friends but as the friends cancel only the two come to watch the baseball game. In order to film this story, Park Yoochun and Kang Hyejung visited the Mokdong Baseball Field on the 3rd.

The filming was held right before the actual game between Nexen Heroes and Kia Tigers began. To cheer realistically, Park Yoochun and Kang Hyejung held in their hands the stick-balloons of Nexen Heroes (who have as their home the Mokdong Field) and showed off a scene of an enthusiastic baseball date as if they were completely absorbed in the game.

In particular, the afterword is that Park Yoochun and Kang Hyejung were as excited as children, such as following one by one the cheer choreography that the cheerleader of Nexen Heroes showed off in the front. The two, who were learning slowly the choreography with the cheer song, expressed naturally their happiness, such as exploding in a shouting cheer together or drumming their feet.

The production staff said that Park Yoochun and Kang Hyejung, who are said to like watching baseball games in regular life, were all smiles, saying that to be in the field was itself a fun and happy experience.

The production company relayed: “This baseball scene was proceeded with by having Park Yoochun and Kang Hyejung learn the cheer from an actual cheerleader in order to vividly film their cheering. Thanks to the two who are said to like watching baseball games in regular life, their enthusiastic cheer were more properly portrayed.”

At the same time, “Miss Ripley” is of the content that a lie that a woman tells without meaning to bears another lie and she falls into a pit of lies and faces a crisis in which she stands to lose everything due to lies. Furthermore, it is an authentic melodrama in which the two men who have come to love this woman with greedy desires have conflict and reconciliation in between love and destruction.

sr: JYJ3
indo: broken tsubasa

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