[NEWS] 110523 TVXQ’s Yunho feels like a rookie all over again through “Kiss & Cry”

TVXQ Yunho telah pujian dari manamana sejak SBS "Kim Yuna's Kiss & Cry" perdana pada tanggal 22 Mei. Pertunjukan Michael Jackson-nya telah membuat juri terkesan ke titik di mana sulit bagi siapa pun untuk percaya bahwa ia hanya berlatih selama dua bulan.

Dia mengungkapkan, "saya pernah berskating sekali di SMA. Sya ingat saya selalu jatuh. Berskating sekarang, saya merasa seperti saya kembali ke hari mudaku. Itu pasti lebih sulit daripada yang saya pikir. Sangat mudah untuk melompat dan putar di kepala kalian, tapi sulit bahkan mengambil kaki kalian dari es setelah kalian benar-benar mencoba untuk menerapkannya".

PD Kim Jae Hyuk menambahkan, "Yunho mengalami kesulitan dengan hal itu pada awalnya, tapi dia seorang pekerja keras sehingga ia berlatih dengan rajin. Meskipun jadwal yang padat, dia akan di berlatih pada pukul 12 AM atau 5 AM, apa pun setiap kesempatan yang didapatnya. Bahkan ketika sang manajer akan mengatakan kepadanya untuk beristirahat untuk jadwal, ia selalu berteriak, 'Sekali lagi' saya tersentuh oleh sisi ini darinya"

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

TVXQ’s Yunho has been earning praise left and right ever since SBS’s “Kim Yuna’s Kiss & Cry” premiered on May 22nd. His Michael Jackson performance impressed judges to the point where it was hard for anyone to believe that he had only been training for two months.

He revealed, “I’ve only ever ice-skated once in high school. I remember always falling. Putting on these skates now, I feel like I returned to my rookie days. It was definitely harder than I thought. It’s easy to jump and turn in your head, but it’s hard to even take your foot off the ice once you actually try to apply it.”

PD Kim Jae Hyuk added, “Yunho had a hard time with it at first, but he’s a hard worker so he trained diligently. Despite his busy schedule, he’d get on the ice at 12 AM or 5 AM, whatever every chance he got. Even when his manager would tell him to rest for his schedule, he’d always shout out, ‘One more time.’ I was moved by this side of him.”

cr: allkpop

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