[NEWS] 110518 MBC Entertainment continues to keep “Ripley” away

JYJ Park YooChun tidak bisa mengatasi penghalang yang dipaksakan oleh MBC Entertainment.

program hiburan berita jaringan, "Bagian TV Entertainment News" telah diwahyukan kepada juga dilecehkan cakupan drama baru Yoochun, "Ripley", tepat setelah mereka membatalkan penampilannya pada variety show, "Come To Play" bebrapa saat yang llu.

Pada tanggal 17 Mei, wartawan dan anggota pers berkumpul di konferensi produksi untuk "Ripley". Namun, wartawan dari "Section TV Entertainment News" tidak muncul, yang sangat tidak biasa karena program berita yang selalu muncul di konferensi produksi drama.

Seorang wakil dari program ini menyatakan, "Kami memiliki terlalu banyak barang di tangan kami", tetapi anggota dalam industri hiburan yang menuduh MBC untuk mengurus hubungan tidak nyaman antara YooChun dan SM Entertainment.

perwakilan Ripley menyatakan, "Ini bukan pertama kalinya. 'Come To Play' telah meminta penampilan aktor kami selama berminggu-minggu dan kami menyelesaikan jadwal dari aktor ketika hal itu tiba-tiba dibatalkan. liputan 'Bagian TV Entertainment News' juga dikecualikan dari shooting poster kami maupun dari konferensi produksi kami".

Penghasil utama untuk drama, Choi Yi Sup, menyuarakan keprihatinan dan frustasi dengan mengatakan, "Direktur departemen drama langsung diminta pertanggungan untuk promosi Ripley kepada direktur entertainment dan departemen entertainment menerima permintaan ini. Namun, karena alasan terungkap peliputan tersebut dikecualikan. Ini tidak bisa diterima".

Park YooChun menunjukkan kekecewaannya dengan mengatakan, "Saya juga, ingin muncul di berbagai program tetapi mereka tetap 'memotong' saya keluar. Sya tidak berusaha untuk menempatkan signifikansi yang besar di atasnya".

"Ripley" akan mengkomunikasikan ide-ide obsesi dan keinginan melalui karakter perempuan yang mendapat pekerjaan di hotel dengan berpura-pura merekam pendidikannya. Episode pertama akan tayang pada 30 Mei.

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

JYJ’s Park Yoochun couldn’t overcome the barrier imposed by MBC Entertainment.

The network’s entertainment news program, “Section TV Entertainment News” has been revealed to have also snubbed coverage of Yoochun’s new drama, “Ripley“, right after they cancelled his appearance on the variety show, “Come To Play” not too long ago.

On May 17th, reporters and members of the press gathered at the production conference for “Ripley”. However, reporters from “Section TV Entertainment News” did not appear, which is highly unusual since this news program always appears at drama production conferences.

A representative from the program stated, “We had too many items on our hands“, but members in the entertainment industry are accusing MBC Entertainment for minding the uncomfortable relationship between Yoochun and SM Entertainment.

Ripley’s representative stated, “This is not the first time. ‘Come To Play’ had requested the appearance of our actors for weeks and we finalized the schedules of the actors when the filming suddenly got cancelled. ‘Section TV Entertainment News’ has also excluded coverage from our poster shooting as well as from our production conference.”

The main producer for the drama, Choi Yi Sup, voiced his concern and frustration by saying, “The director of the drama department directly requested coverage for ‘Ripley’s promotions to the entertainment director and the entertainment department accepted this request. However, due to an unrevealed reason the coverage was excluded. This is unacceptable.”

Park Yoochun showed his disappointment by saying, “I, too, want to appear on variety programs but they keep ‘cutting’ me out. I’m not trying to put a great significance on it.”

“Ripley” will communicate the ideas of obsession and desire through a female character who gets a job at a hotel by faking her education record. The first episode is set to air on May 30th.

cr: allkpop

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