[Trans] 110429 TVXQ's HoMin -PD K-POP Charity Press Conference

a/n: this's Live update from twitter (filmmieah@twitter)

HoMin mengatakan mereka belum memulai di Asia Tour mereka krn tidak ada banyak lagu jika para fans ingin mereka kembali ke Thailand lagi, mereka akan mengambil isu ini sebagai prioritas pertama mereka ketika mereka kembali ke Korea

Yunho [Thailand] "Apakah kalian senang? krn aku senang"
Changmin, mereka mengetahui fase yang bersama-sama jadi kata Thai yang sama ia tahu

Wallie ponsel Yunho adalah tiak ada apa- apa (default), sedangkan wallie Changmin adalah awan kemudian Yunho berkata "Changmin adalah pria ygg romantis"

Lihatlah dada itu!

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

Homin said they haven’t started their Asia Tour cuz there are not many songs if the fans want them to come back to Thailand again , they’d take this issue as their 1st priority when they are back to Korea

Yunho [Thai] “Are you guys having fun? Cuz I’m having fun”
Changmin they learned that phase together so it’s the same Thai word he knew

Yunho’s cellphone wallie is nothing (default) while Changmin’s wallies is the clouds then Yunho said “Changmin is a romantic guy”

Look at the chest!

eng trans: sharingyoochun.net
indo: broken tsubasa

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