[NEWS] TVXQ releases two Chaku-Uta Full tracks ahead of album release

Duo TVXQ dari korean sedang mempersiapkan untuk mengobati penggemar dengan merilis kembali album korea mreka “Why (Keep Your Head Down)“, dalam waktu kurang dari seminggu, tapi sudah merilis dua lagu dalam bentuk Full Chaku-Uta tadi pagi.

“Kore Dake wa, Wakatteite Hoshii -Dokuhaku- Before U Go (Monologue)“ dan “Kore Dake wa, Wakatteite Hoshii (Before U Go)“, yang muncul dari dua trek pertama pada versi Korea asli, tapi yang judulnya telah diterjemahkan, baru-baru ini dirilis dalam bentuk Full Chaku-Uta tersedia untuk di-download pada ponsel Jepang. Keduanya sekarang tersedia di situs Chaku-Uta populer, mu-mo.

Album dibawa di Jepang pada 4 Mei, dan karena lisensi Jepang, akan berisi dua versi instrumental sebagai bonus track, termasuk satu untuk “Kore Dake wa, Wakatteite Hoshii (Before U Go)”.

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

Korean duo TVXQ are getting set to treat fans with the re-release of their Korean album, “Why (Keep Your Head Down)“, in less than a week, but have already released two songs in Full Chaku-Uta form earlier today.

“Kore Dake wa, Wakatteite Hoshii -Dokuhaku- Before U Go (Monologue)“ and “Kore Dake wa, Wakatteite Hoshii (Before U Go)“, which appear as the first two tracks on the original Korean version, but whose titles have been translated, were recently released in Full Chaku-Uta form available for download on Japanese cellphones. The two are now available on popular Chaku-Uta site, mu-mo.

The album drops in Japan on May 4th, and due to its Japanese licensing, will contain two instrumental versions as bonus tracks, including one for “Kore Dake wa, Wakatteite Hoshii (Before U Go)”.

cr: Tokyohive

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