[NEWS] 1110419 Kim JaeJoong, A Much More Distinct V-line 'Keep Losing Weight?'

Boyband JYJ Kim JaeJoong memamerkan wajah V-line-nya yang lebih khas.

Kim JaeJoong yang meninggalkan Korea ke Taiwan untuk pertunjuka di Taiwan untuk 'JYJ World Tour Concert in 2011' memposting gambar terbaru dirinya di twitternya pada sore hari tanggal 19 April.

Dalam foto tersebut, Kim JaeJoong mengenakan t-shirt putih dan jaket pink cerah dan dengan kacamata berwarna hitam, menunjukkan gambar gagahnya. Kim JaeJoong yang berkulit susu-putih menonjol tampaknya telah menarik cukup perhatian karena garis wajah lebih jelasnya dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya.
Dia menambahkan komentar pada foto dengan berkata,
"Mengenakan kemeja berwarna pink diberikan kepada saya sebagai hadiah dan menyusun diriku sendiri"

Netizens yang melihat foto itu membuat komentar seperti, "Apakah kamu menurunkan berat badan lagi?
"V-line menjadi lebih dan lebih jelas" dan.
"Kulit putih susu yang melebihi perempuan."

klik the title~!!

[eng trans]

Boy group JYJ’s Kim JaeJoong showed off his more distinctive V-line face.

Kim JaeJoong who left Korea to Taiwan for the performance in Taiwan for ‘JYJ World Tour Concert in 2011′ posted up the most recent image of himself on his twitter on the 19th April afternoon.

In the photo, Kim JaeJoong wore a white t-shirt and bright pink hood and with a black-coloured sunglasses, showed his dashing image. Kim JaeJoong whose milky-white skin stands out seems to have attracted quite an attention because of his more distinct face line as compared to previously.
He added a comment to the photo posted saying,
“Wearing the pink hooded shirt given to me as a gift and composing myself”

Netizens who came across the photo made comments such as, “Did you lose weight again?
The V-line is becoming more and more obvious.” and
“a much more milky-white skin as compared to girls.”

sr: inhye87@twitter

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