[NEWS] 110427 Park Yuchun recovering from enteritis… & shows off great power in commercial

Penyanyi dan aktor Park Yuchun (JYJ) sedang beristirahat setelah menderita enteritis (radang usus).

Selama percakapan telepon dengan Osen pada tanggal 27, perwakilan JYJ menyatakan "Karena enteritis, Park Yuchun mengunjungi rumah sakit pada tanggal 25 dan sedang beristirahat di rumah sejak itu. Karena kondisinya tidak diputuskan, ia tidak mengakuinya dan datang kembali setelah menerima satu hari pengobatan. Ia tampaknya mendapatkan enteritis karena alasan seperti akumulasi kelelahan"

Lebih lanjut ia menambahkan, "karena MBC "Ripley" saat ini belum mulai syuting skala penuh, tidak ada masalah dengan jadwal drama."

Di sisi lain, ada berita bahwa Park Yuchun, yang menghabiskan hari-hari sibuk dengan konser tur dunianya dan persiapan drama, baru-baru ini sebagai chip biru dalam iklan.

Baru-baru ini, Park Yuchun telah dipilih sebagaimodel makanan Dong-Suh Teh Es Tio, berubah menjadi guru'flower boy' bagi siswa perempuan di SMA, dan berakting untuk solo pertama komersialnya.

Dalam iklan tersebut, Park Yuchun memprovokasi hati perempuan dengan jelas memamerkan gambar guru murni yang tampan. Balasan A menyatakan, "efek Park Yuchun begitu besar bahwa iklan langsung membuat penjualan dan mengejutkan kita. Dari pengetahuan saya, banyak pengiklan saat ini memantau [dia]. JYJ mungkin adalah selebriti yang membedakan dirinya dalam iklan meskipun tidak memiliki penampilan di televisi.

klik the title~!

[eng trans]

Singer and actor Park Yuchun (JYJ) is resting after suffering from enteritis (intestinal inflammation).

During a phone conversation with OSEN on the 27th, JYJ’s rep stated “Because of enteritis, Park Yuchun visited the hospital on the 25th and is resting at home since then. Because his condition isn’t sever, he wasn’t admitted and came back after receiving a day’s worth of treatment. He seems to have gotten enteritis because of reasons such as fatigue accumulation.”

He further added, “because MBC “Ripley” currently hasn’t started full-scale shooting, there isn’t a problem with the drama schedule.”

On the other hand, there is news that Park Yuchun, who is spending busy days with his world tour concert and drama preparation, has recently quickly risen as a blue chip in commercials.

Recently, Park Yuchun has been picked as Dong-suh food’s Ice Tea Tio model, transformed into female high school student’s forever love flower-boy student teacher, and is acting in his first-solo commercial shoot.

In the ad, Park Yuchun provokes womens’ hearts by clearly showing off a pure handsome teacher image. A rep stated, “Park Yuchun’s effect is so great that the ad directly led to sales and is surprising us. From my knowledge, a lot of advertisers currently have an eye on [him]. JYJ is probably the only celebrity that distinguishes itself in commercials despite not having appearances on television.

eng trans: withJYJ
indo: broken tsubasa

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