Setelah meminta Kim Jae Seung aktor yang meninggalkan kesan terdalam pada dirinya, dia mengatakan nama TVXQ U-Know dan Bae Soo Bin tanpa ragu-ragu.
Kim Jae Seung telah bertindak secara damai dengan U-Know Yunho dalam drama 2008, "Heading To The Ground".
"Di antara artis yang kulihat, ia benar-benar orang yang saya ingin berpegang pada tangannya. Dia benar-benar saudara yang sangat baik. Cara dia selama siaran dan di luar layar, persis sama. Tak peduli kapan, ia akan mengurus staf dan semua orang di sekitarnya".
Dia jujur mengatakan bahwa ia berprasangka terhadap Yunho di awal karena status idola Yunho. "Saya awalnya berpikir bahwa status artis top dia akan lebih sombong dan tidak mau bekerja keras. Tapi Yunho akan menelepon saya setiap hari dan meminta saya bagaimana untuk memperbaiki kemampuan aktingnya sendiri dan berbicara tentang masalah itu. 'Bagaimana aku melakukan akting yang baik pada adegan ini?' "Saya sadar tertarik dengan melihat tulusnya Yunho dalam pertanyaan itu".
klik the title ~!
[eng trans]
Upon asking Kim Jae Seung on which actor left the deepest impression on him, he said out the names of TVXQ’s U-Know and Bae Soo Bin without hesitation.
Kim Jae Seung has acted amicably with U-Know Yunho in the 2008 drama, “Heading To The Ground”.
“Among the artistes I’ve seen, he is really one who I would want to hold on to his hands. He is really a very kind younger brother. The way he is during broadcast and off-screen, is exactly the same. No matter when, he would take care of the staffs and everyone around him.”
He honestly said that he was prejudiced against Yunho in the beginning due to Yunho’s top idol status. “I initially thought that top status’ artistes would be more arrogant and not willing to work hard. But Yunho would call me everyday and asked me how to improve on his own acting skills and talked about his troubles. ‘How do I perform better in this scene?’ I was unknowingly attracted by his sincere look during his inquiries.”
cr: sharingyoochun.net
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