[Trans] TVXQ Comeback that Chases for Popularity ‘Perfect Vocal + Masculine Charm’

TVXQ kembali di atas panggung dengan lagu baru mereka 'Know This (Before U Go)'.

Hari ini melalui 'Music Bank' KBS 2TV TVXQ debut kembali dengan menyanyikan 'Know This (Before U Go)' dengan pesona maskulin. 'Know This (Before U Go)' adalah judul lagu dari album repackaged TVXQ 'Why (Keep Down Your Head)' yang menduduki puncak peringkat di berbagai situs musik sejak rilis, dan popularitas yang tinggi sekaligus.

Dalam penampilan debut mereka, TVXQ tampil dengan setelan jas hitam dan putih. Changmin yang berpakaian putih dan Yunho dalam setelan hitam, mereka memamerkan pesona namun menyegarkan maskulin di panggung saat melakukan lagu yang memiliki susunan sederhana yang menekankan kemampuan vokal dua anggota ', Yunho dan Changmin mampu sepenuhnya melepas emosi menyeluruh dalam lagu. Bergerak intens tari ini duo juga aspek lain mennggemetarkan hati penonton selama pertunjukan.

Sementara itu 'Know This (Before U Go)' telah mengalami modifikasi lirik melewati standar siaran di MBC.

klik the title

[eng trans]

Group TVXQ made a comeback on stage with their new song ‘Know This (Before You Go)’.

Today through KBS 2TV ‘Music Bank’ TVXQ kicked their debut performance of ‘Know This (Before You Go)’ with masculine charms. ‘Know This (Before You Go)’ is the title track from TVXQ’s repackaged album ‘Why (Keep Your Head Down)’ which topped various music sites’ rank ever since its release, and claimed their high popularity at once.

In this debut performance, TVXQ appeared in black and white suits. Changmin who dressed in white and Yunho in black suit, they showed off masculine yet refreshing charm on stage while performing the song which has simple arrangement that emphasizes these two members’ vocal skills, Yunho and Changmin were able to completely loose the heart-breaking emotions thorough the song. The duo’s intense dance move was also another aspect shaking the hearts of audiences during the performance.

Meanwhile ‘Know This (Before You Go) had underwent lyrics modification to pass the standard of broadcast in MBC.

sr: sharingyoochun.net

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