[TRANS] Kim Junsu Perfectly Resembles His Pet Cat "They Really Look Alike"

JYJ JunSu telah menarik perhatian netizens dengan gambarnya yang menyerupai kucingnya sendiri.

Sebelumnya sebuah situs komunitas online me-upload gambar perbandingan kucing Junsu, Leo dan Kim JunSu sendiri.

Uploader yang meletakkan foto JunSu saat muda dalam ekspresi yang mirip dengan kucing bernama Leo yang dia dibandingkan. Ada juga foto Junsu tidur dalam posisi yang sama seperti kucing.

Netizens yang melihat foto-foto menjawab, "Kesamaan dengan kucing keuntungan skor 100 persen," dan "Guru dan kucing peliharaan, mereka menjadi sama satu sama lain"

Menurut anggota Jaejoong, Junsu mulai meningkatkan kucing karena dia dan saat ini dia tinggal dengan 6 kucing di rumahnya.

klik the title ~!!

[eng trans]

JYJ Junsu has caught the attention of netizens with his pictures that resemble his own cat.

Previously an online community website uploaded comparison picture of Junsu’s cat Leo and Kim Junsu himself.

The uploader put the picture of young Junsu in similar expression to his cat named Leo which he’s compared to. There was also a picture of Junsu sleeping in the same position as the cat.

Netizens who saw the pictures responded, “The similarity with the cat gains 100 percent score,” and “Master and his pet cats, they become alike to each other”

According to member Jaejoong, Junsu started to raise cats because of him and currently he’s been living with 6 cats in his house.

sr: sharingyooxhun.net

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