[Trans] JYJ Sporting Tracksuits Just Like Models: “That Hello Kitty tracksuit is kinda…” Giving off Contrast Charm

3 anggota dari JYJ mengungkapkan gambar aktifitas terbaru yang menarik perhatian netizens '.

anggota JYJ Kim Jaejoong meng-upload gambar pada sore 17 Maret melalui twitter dengan catatan yang berbunyi "Mari kita berlatih lebih keras lagi".

Gambar menunjukkan Kim JunSu, Kim Jaejoong, dan Park YooChun semua berpakaian tracksuits. Walaupun mereka bergaya santai, tapi para anggota masih tampak seolah-olah mereka sedang dalam pemotretan yang ditampilkan berbagai atraksi, fakta membuktikan bahwa trio memang artis populer Korea.

Salah satu yang paling menarik perhatian terutama Kim Jaejoong yang berdiri di tengah kelompok. Meskipun foto itu diambil indoor, Kim Jaejoong masih menempatkan kacamata hitam di atas dan mengangkat tinjunya, sehingga menarik tawa. Lebih jauh lagi, sementara Kim Jaejoong memiliki ekspresi karismatik di wajahnya, namun ia mengenakan olahraga Hello Kitty, semacam fashion yang tidak dapat dengan mudah ditarik dari oleh seorang pria, yang memberikan daya tarik yang berbeda dari keseluruhan.

Mengenai foto ini yag di-upload di twitter oleh Kim Jaejoong, netizens berkomentar, "Sudah lama sejak saya melihat 3 anggota dalam satu gambar. Sekarang kita melihat kalian di aula pelatihan " "Kitty Kitty daebak! kamua mencoba menjadi serius tetapi berubah menjadi lucu" "Aku benar-benar tidak sabar untuk melihat kalian tampil di TV. Fighting!"

klik the title ~!!

[eng trans]

The 3 members of JYJ revealed a recent activity picture that grabbed netizens’ attention.

JYJ member Kim Jaejoong uploaded a picture on March 17th afternoon through his twitter with a note saying “Let’s practice even harder!”.

The picture showed Kim Junsu, Kim Jaejoong, and Park Yoochun were all dressed in tracksuits. Eventhough they’re styled casually, but the members still appeared as if they’re in a photoshoot that displayed various attractions, proven fact that the trio are indeed Korea’s popular artists.

One who attracted most attention is particularly Kim Jaejoong who stood at the centre of the group. Despite the picture was taken indoor, Kim Jaejoong still put his sunglasses on and held up his fist, thus drew laughter. Furthermore, while Kim Jaejoong had a charismatic expression on his face, yet he wore a Hello Kitty tracksuit, a kind of fashion that can not be easily pulled off by a man, which gave off a whole different appeal.

Regarding this twitter picture by Kim Jaejoong, netizens commented, “It’s been a long time since I saw these 3 members in one picture. Now we see you in a training hall.” “Kitty Kitty daebak! ke ke You try to be serious but turns to be cute.” “I really can’t wait to see you TV appearance. Fighting!”

sr: sharingyoochun.net

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