[Trans] 110318 JYJ Hope Messages for Pray for Japan Star Relay

Junsu's Hope Message:
We will gather our small hearts and pray for everyone's safety.
Please be strong!

Pesan Harapan Junsu:
Kami akan mengumpulkan hati kecil kami dan berdoa untuk keselamatan semua orang.

klik the title ~!!

YuChun's Hope Message:
We hope that those who are in pain because of the sadness of having lost people dear to them will be strong.

JaeJoong's Hope Message:
We pray that the wounds of all the people who were hurt by the big earthquake will be healed and they will regain stability.

Pesan Harapan YuChun:
Kami berharap bahwa mereka yang sakit karena kesedihan kehilangan orang yang mereka sayang akan menjadi kuat.

Pesan Harapan JaeJoong:
Kami berdoa agar luka semua orang yang terluka oleh gempa bumi besar akan disembuhkan dan mereka akan kembali stabil.

sr: DBSKnights

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