[Trans] 110315 4th Trial Of SM Vs JYJ.. SM Treasurer Appears As A Witness

Sidang gugatan keempat antara JYJ dan SM Entertainment berlangsung pada tanggal 15.

April lalu, SM mengajukan verifikasi keabsahan kontrak eksklusif dan kompensasi atas gugatan kerugian terhadap trio yang trio mengajukan verifikasi ketidakabsahan kontrak eksklusif dan laba restitusi yang tidak adil kontra-gugatan terhadap SM. Pada tanggal 15, kedua belah pihak mengadakan sidang.

Sidang yang digelar hari ini termasuk pemeriksaan terhadap saksi, Mr Yoon, yang bertugas menangani pendapatan TVXQ dan rekening di SM Entertainment.

Di persidangan, Mr. Yoon menyatakan, "artis SM menyelesaikan rekening mereka dua kali setahun untuk penghasilan dari kegiatan di luar negeri dan dalam negeri dan penjualan album. Sebelum rekening dilunasi dan dibayar artis, selebriti, manajer nya, bendahara dan orang tuanya berkumpul, pastikan bahwa pembagian pendapatan dilakukan tepat sesuai dengan kontrak dan menandatangani kertas yang menyatakan bahwa yang benar pembagian pendapatan dilakukan. Informasi ini juga terlihat oleh kantor akuntan"

Dia terus menyatakan bahwa pembagian pendapatan TVXQ dilakukan melalui proses hukum dan hanya saat ia berkata, "Ketiganya tidak pernah menyuarakan keluhan tentang pembagian pendapatan sampai sekarang. Pembagian pendapatan selalu dilakukan sesuai dengan kontrak dengan persetujuan dari trio ini, dan kami tidak pernah menghilangkan setiap laba atau biaya".

Juga, Mr Yoon menjelaskan proses di balik pembagian pendapatan TVXQ serta biaya pendapatan anggota dan gaji yang diterima di muka. Dia juga memberikan jawaban menyeluruh terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh para pengacara dari SM dan trio tentang penjualan album dan royalti.

Trio tidak menghadiri sidang. Sidang berikutnya akan diadakan pada tanggal 19 April di lokasi yang sama dan Pengadilan berencana untuk mengadakan pemeriksaan terhadap saksi lain, Nam So Young, CEO SM Jepang yang bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas TVXQ di Jepang.

klik the title !!

[eng trans]

The fourth trial of the lawsuit between JYJ and SM Entertainment took place on the 15th.

Last April, SM filed an exclusive contract validity verification and compensation for losses lawsuit against the trio to which the trio filed an exclusive contract invalidity verfication and unjust profit restitution counter-lawsuit against SM. On the 15th, the two sides held a hearing.

The trial that was held this day included an examination of a witness, Mr Yoon, who was in charge of handling TVXQ’s income and accounts in SM Entertainment.

At the trial, Mr Yoon stated, “SM artistes settle their accounts twice a year for the income from overseas and domestic activities and album sales. Before the accounts are settled and the artistes are paid, the celebrity, his or her manager, the treasurer and his or her parents get together, make sure that the income division is done exactly according to the contract and sign a paper stating that the correct income division was carried out. This information is also looked over by an accounting firm.”

He continued to state that TVXQ’s income division was done through a legal and just process as he said, “The trio have never voiced a complaint about the income division till now. The income division has always been done according to the contract with consent from the trio, and we have never omitted any profits or expenses.”

Also, Mr. Yoon explained the process behind TVXQ’s income division as well as the members’ expenses, income and salary received in advance. He also gave thorough answers to the questions given by the lawyers of SM and the trio regarding album sales and royalties.

The trio did not attend the trial. The next trial will be held on April 19th at the same location and the Courts are planning to hold an examination on another witness, Nam So Young, the CEO of SM Japan who was in charge of TVXQ’s Japanese activities.

cr: tohosomnia.net

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