[NEWS] 110112 Junsu, who will be in “Tears of Heaven” musical, expressed thanks to Jaejoong and Yoochun

JunSu, yang akan tampil musikal "Tears of Heaven", mengucapkan terima kasih untuk Jaejoong dan Yoochun

Sebelum penampilannya untuk musikal "Tears of Heaven" , JunSu menyatakan terima kasih kepada sesama anggota JYJ Jaejoong dan Yoochun.

Pada sore hari tanggal 10 Januari, JunSu diwawancarai di ruang latihan "Tear of Heaven" Namsan Arts Center. seoul dengan pertanyaan, "Ada banyak hal yang merepotkan baru-baru ini. Siapa yang memberimu kekuatan dan motivasi?". Jawabannya adalah "Para anggota JYJ dan fans memberi saya banyak kekuatan. Jadwal intensif latihan "Tears of Heaven" membantu saya untuk mengatasi kesulitan juga" Baru-baru ini., JunSu mengisyaratkan ketidakbahagiaan terhadap dua anggota TVXQ melalui account Twitternya.

"Tears of Heaven" akan tampil perdana pada tanggal 1 Februari di Teater Nasional Korea. "Tears of Heaven", sebuah musikak yang didasarkan pada Perang Vietnam, adalah tentang cinta segitiga antara seorang prajurit korea Jun (diperankan oleh Kim JunSu), US Army Kolonel Grayson (diperankan oleh Brad Little) dan seorang penyanyi Vietnam Lynn (dimainkan oleh lee Haeri). JunSu menggambarkan karakter Juni yang berjuang dengan cinta-Nya, penderitaan abadi.

JunSu berkata bahwa musik "Mozart" adalah sebuah karya yang menampilkan suatu era masa lalu, sementara waktu ini, adalah "Tears of Heaven" kisah tentang realitas dan realitas ini menimbulkan kesulitan yang harus disajikan.

Rekan co-star Brad Little dinilai JunSu, mengatakan, "JunSu mirip dengan penyanyi Cher Amerika. Cher, karena penampilannya dalam musikal, memenangkan Oscar dan dengan demikian menjadi terkenal. Juga, JunSu memiliki bakat dalam menciptakan interaksi yang baik dan hubungan dengan penonton"

klik the title !!

[eng trans]

Junsu, who will be in “Tears of Heaven” musical, expressed thanks to Jaejoong and Yoochun

Before the actual performance for the musical “Tears of Heaven”, Junsu expressed his thanks to fellow JYJ members Jaejoong and Yoochun.

On the afternoon of 10th January, Junsu was interviewed in “Tears of Heaven” rehearsal room of Seoul Namsan Arts Center with the question, “There are a lot of troublesome matters recently. Who gave you the strength and motivation?”. His reply was “The JYJ members and fans gave me a lot of strength. The intensive schedule of Tears of Heaven’s rehearsals helped me to overcome the difficulties as well.” Recently, Junsu hinted his unhappiness towards the two-membered TVXQ through his Twitter account.

“Tears of Heaven” will be premiering on the 1st of February at the National Theatre of Korea. “Tears of Heaven”, a musical based on the Vietnam War, is about the love triangle between a Korean soldier Jun (played by Kim Junsu), a US Army Colonel Grayson (played by Brad Little) and a Vietnam singer Lynn (played by Lee Haeri). Junsu portrays the character Jun who struggles with his love, enduring sufferings.

Junsu said that the musical “Mozart” is a work presenting an era of the past while this time, “Tears of Heaven” is a story of reality and this sense of reality posed a difficulty that has to be presented.

Fellow co-star Brad Little appraised Junsu, saying, “Junsu is similar to American singer Cher. Cher, due to her performance in a musical, won an Oscar and thus became famous. Also, Junsu has a talent in creating good interactions and rapport with the audience.”

cr: sharingyoochun.net

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