[NEWS] 101230 JYJ Freezes Hongdae with their Guerilla Date

JYJ membeku di bagian Hongdae pada tanggal 30 dengan mengejutkan fans mereka dengan kencan gerilya.

Trio berjalan dengan seorang reporter dari "Sumber Speedy" KBS 2TV untuk wawancara langsung. Meskipun tanggal gerilya awalnya dijadwalkan untuk Myung-dong, lokasi diubah menjadi Hongdae karena sedikitnya jumlah fans yang menyerbu wilayah itu setelah penangkapan angin berita.

Meskipun perubahan di lokasi, Hongdae masih dikemas dengan penggemar JYJ bersemangat mencoba untuk melihat sekilas trio secara pribadi.
Episode menampilkan wawancara mereka akan disiarkan di kemudian hari.

klik the title !!

[eng trans]

JYJ froze up a section of Hongdae on December 30th with their surprise fan guerilla date.

The trio set out on the streets with a reporter from KBS 2TV’s “Speedy Source” for a live interview. Although the guerilla date was originally scheduled for Myung-dong, the location was changed to Hongdae due to the sheer amount of fans who swarmed the area after catching wind of the news.

Despite the change in location, Hongdae was still packed with excited JYJ fans attempting to catch a glimpse of the trio in person.
The episode featuring their interview will be broadcast at a later date.

cr: allkpop

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