Menggabungkan fashion selebriti paling populer , fotografer Jepang yang akan memfoto di 11th Annual Japan Fashion Week di Tokyo yang akan dimulai pada tanggal 18 Oktober. Foto akan ditampilkan dalam edisi khusus "LOVE PHOTO Vol.3 in JFW" direncanakan untuk rilis pada tanggal 28 Oktober. Ini adalah event yang sekering unsur visual dan amal bersama.
Para fotografer akan memfoto artis seperti Mika Ninagawa, Mukai Osamu, Max Changmin, Nakashima Mika, Rinko Kikuchi, Anna Tsuchiya, dan Masami Nagasawa.
T-shirt amal "Fly to the world from the LOVE created in Tokyo" sebagai tema utama. Desain dari pembuatan dunia sebagai panggung berasal dari kerjasama desainer terkenal dan selebriti, yang akan menjadi barang edisi terbatas yang dijual di Magaseek. Sebagian dari pendapatan akan diberikan pada Doctors Without Borders, Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF).
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[eng trans]
Combining the most fashion-front popular celebrities, top Japanese photographers will shoot at the 11th Annual Japan Fashion Week in Tokyo that will start on October 18. Photos will be featured in the special edition of “LOVE PHOTO Vol.3 in JFW” planned for release on October 28. This is an event that fuses the elements of visual and charity together.
The photographers will shoot the likes of Mika Ninagawa, Mukai Osamu, Max Changmin, Nakashima Mika, Rinko Kikuchi, Anna Tsuchiya, and Masami Nagasawa among others.
The charity t-shirt will have “Fly to the world from the LOVE created in Tokyo” as the main theme. The design of making the world as the stage came from the cooperation of famous designers and the celebrities, which will be a limited edition item sold at Magaseek. Part of the earnings will go to Doctors Without Borders, Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF).
cr: tohosomnia.net
cant it Nchang, so miss u !!
wanna see ur magnae face *??!!
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